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Increasing Student Accountability and Enhancing Student Outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing Student Accountability and Enhancing Student Outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing Student Accountability and Enhancing Student Outcomes.
Dr Daniel Duca Jr

2 During PD which do I relate to?

3 Objective Create a personalized tool box of best practice
Improve instructional practices ……but why?

4 Essential questions How can educators deepen students’ appreciation of and the ability to associate knowledge and skills attained for academic success? How can students improve their study skills to better prepare themselves for their classes?

5 Setting yourself up for

6 ACTION RESEARCH in my district 2016: Use data to drive instruction
An action research study was conducted with 203 teachers (84 responded) More than 64% of teachers agreed they use data to drive instructional practices and teaching strategies. Exactly 75% of survey respondents indicated they were not supported by the state or school district to use data to drive instructional practices and teaching strategies. More than 77% of survey respondents indicated they work in isolation. Approximately 40% of survey respondents indicated they work with colleagues to use data to drive instructional practices and teaching strategies. Approximately 69% of survey respondents indicated they would like to receive professional development on how to use data to improve instructional practices and teaching strategies.

7 Why set yourself up for success?
Teachers learn from one another collectively and individually, providing alternative strategies that coincide with ongoing learning (McLaughlin & Talbert, 2006) PD is not as simple as teachers casually sharing ideas in a circle; rather, it requires attention to a number of characteristics to support teacher learning and a change in practice to improve student achievement (Stanley, 2011) Teachers and administrators can solve their pedagogical problems best when the process allows them to collaborate, engage in no-fault problem solving, and work for consensus solutions (Senge, 2000)

8 Is supervision clinical or developmental?
New evaluation system Student Growth Objectives (SGOs) Student Growth Percentile (SGP) New tenure law Ineffective or inadequate PD (data) Is supervision clinical or developmental? Describe what it is supervision like in your district? Why should you set yourself up for successful evaluations?

9 What do you think? The Teacher observation Rigor in the Classroom Example of Rigor in the Classroom How we are developed. Professionally Classroom Walk Through Classroom observation

10 How can you set yourself up for success?
See forms Do now/exit card Weekly sheet Lab format sheet Graphic organizers Progress monitoring tools On line format Google docs Edmodo How do you help your students up for success?

11 Create something that will help you to set yourself us for success

12 Thank you for watching

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