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Responder Review Chapter 5.

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1 Responder Review Chapter 5

2 ___ 1. The modern periodic law states that the properties of the elements are a periodic function of their A) atomic mass B) atomic weight C) atomic number D) isotope number

3 2) Which of the following elements would have the largest atoms
A) Os B) Fe C) Ni D) As.

4 3) The most common ion of elements in the 2A group would be

5 4)The most common ion of elements in the 6A group would be

6 5) An element that is a very reactive gas is most likely a member of the
A) noble gases. B) halogens. C) alkali metals. D) actinides.

7 6) Which statement about the periodic table is NOT true?
A) There are more metals than nonmetals. B) The metalloids are located in Groups 13 through 16. C) The elements at the far left of the table are nonmetals. D) Elements are arranged by increasing atomic number.

8 7) One property of most nonmetals is that they are
A) shiny. B) flattened when hit with a hammer. C) poor conductors of electric current. D) solids at room temperature.

9 A) chemical symbols. B) density. C) atomic mass. D) atomic number.
8) Moseley rearranged the elements in Mendeleev’s periodic table in terms of A) chemical symbols. B) density. C) atomic mass. D) atomic number.

10 A) Nitrogen B) Oxygen C) Bromine D) Sulfur
9) ____ is a gas at room temperature, and its atoms have six electrons in their outer level. A) Nitrogen B) Oxygen C) Bromine D) Sulfur

11 A) predicted that the element would be discovered.
10) When an element seemed to be missing from his periodic table, Mendeleev A) predicted that the element would be discovered. B) predicted the properties of the missing element. C) left a gap in his table for the missing element. D) All of the above

12 11) Atoms of most nonmetals have ____ electrons in their outer energy level.
A) few B) an almost complete set of C) about a half-complete set of D) a complete set of

13 12) Atoms of one group of nonmetals, the noble gases, have ____ electrons in their outer energy level. A) few B) an almost complete set of C) about a half-complete set of D) a complete set of

14 13) Elements in a family or group in the periodic table often share similar properties because
A) they look alike. B) they are found in the same place on Earth. C) they have the same physical state. D) their atoms have the same number of electrons in their outer energy level.

15 14) Na and K have similar properties because they have the same:
A) atomic radii. B) number of valence electrons. C) ionization energy. D) electronegativity.

16 15) The widest block of atoms, which contains 14 elements, is the:
A) s-block. B) p-block. C) d-block. D) f-block.

17 16) The chlorine ion is larger than the chlorine atom because
A) Cl- has a stronger positive charge on its nucleus than Cl. B) Cl- has more electron-electron repulsions than Cl. C) Cl- has one fewer electron. D) Cl- now has an empty valence shell.

18 17) The elements with the highest ionization energies are the
A) noble gases. B) alkali metals. C) halogens. D) transition metals.

19 18) The statement that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons in order to acquire a full set of valence electrons is called the A) octet rule. B) triad rule. C) rule of octaves. D) orbital principle.

20 19) Atomic radius is usually measured by
A) Measuring the diameter and dividing by two. B) Measuring the distance between two identical atoms and dividing by two. C) By calculating the circumference of the atom, π x r2 D) Calculate the energy needed to lose or gain an electron.

21 True or False 20) Ionization energy is the energy needed to remove an electron from an atom.

22 True or False 21) Elements on the left side of the periodic table are metals.

23 True or False 22) Mosely classified elements of similar properties into triads.

24 True or False 23) Mendeleev’s predicted element, ekasilicon, turned out to be germanium.

25 True or False 24) Elements in a group have similar properties because they have similar valence electrons.

26 True or False 25) Newlands was very good buddies with Mendeleev.

27 True or False 25) Newlands much hotter than Mendeleev.

28 To Study for the Ch 5 Test Objectives from notes throughout the chapter. Notes Vocabulary Summarizing Key Concepts pg. 187

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