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What can we do to protect ourselves from radiation?

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Presentation on theme: "What can we do to protect ourselves from radiation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What can we do to protect ourselves from radiation?
Living with Radiation What can we do to protect ourselves from radiation? Starter: Who might be at particular risk from radioactive sources?

2 Learning Outcomes explain that there is a correlation between radiation dose and risk of cancer discuss the size of the risk explain how radiation dose is monitored for workers in the nuclear industry and kept as low as possible

3 Radon Gas Radon is a radioactive gas that is produced from radioactive elements in rocks. Radon is colourless, odourless and tasteless so it is impossible to tell it is there. Radon particles can stick to the passages in the lungs increasing the chance of lung cancer.

4 Silver mines were contaminated with radon gas
Silver mines were contaminated with radon gas. The miners breathed it in and suffered.

5 How can workers protect themselves?
Employers MUST insure that the exposure is “as low as reasonably achievable”. How can they achieve this?

6 Radon gas can build up inside your home
Radon gas can build up inside your home. Sealing the floor and pumping out the gas is an effective cure.

7 Look at the data below. Compared to other causes of death, is radon something we should worry about? Use data and your knowledge of radiation, to support your answer. (6 marks)

8 What are the impacts of environmental radiation?

9 Chernobyl

10 Chernobyl The effects
What happened?

11 Task Produce a leaflet warning others of the dangers of radiation.
Include a section on whether you think we should have nuclear power plants in this country. Provide a balanced argument.

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