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Jesus gives sight to the blind John 9:1-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus gives sight to the blind John 9:1-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus gives sight to the blind John 9:1-12

2 John 9:1-12 Disciples’ Question (9:1-2): The disciples saw this man as riddle to be solved. Jesus’ Reply (9:3-5): He did not explain the cause, but the PURPOSE for his blindness. Blind Man’s Healing (9:6-7): Jesus is the “Light of the world” to those who trust & obey Him. People’s Reaction (9:8-12): No one rejoiced.

3 Jesus’ Work His Father’s Work Always Came First (9:4-5): There was urgency; time was short. His Light Reveals What People Love Most: Righteousness or sin (John 3:19-21).

4 Gaining Our Spiritual Sight
Begins With God: God took the first step to give us sight (1 John 4:9-10).  Involves Obedient Faith: “Arise & be baptized, & wash away your sins....” (Acts 22:16). Involves A Growing Faith: The study of God’s word & a commitment to its precepts (1 Pet 1:1- 11; 3:17-18) .

5 Will you be washed & receive your sight today
Will you be washed & receive your sight today? “Arise and be Baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.” Acts 22:16

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