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Computing the Entropy (H-Function)

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1 Computing the Entropy (H-Function)
Assume we have m classes in our clustering problem, and vectors (p1,…,pm) represent the proportions of the examples with respect to the m classes in a cluster. A clustering algorithm subdivides the examples D= (p1,…,pm) into k subsets D1 =(p11,…,p1m) ,…,Dk =(pk1,…,pkm). H is defined as follows: H(D=(p1,…,pm))= Si=1 (pi log2(1/pi)) (called the entropy function) Remarks: |D| denotes the number of elements in set D. When computing H, we assume if pi=0 pi log2(1/pi) returns 0. For example, H((1/2,1/4.1/8,1/8,0))= ½*log2(2)+ ¼*log2(4)+2*1/8log2(8)+0=1/2+1/2+2*1/8*3=1.75 D=(p1,…,pm) implies that p1+…+ pm =1 and indicates that of the |D| examples p1*|D| examples belong to the first class, p2*|D| examples belong to the second class,…, and pm*|D| belong the m-th (last) class. H(0,1)=H(1,0)=0; H(1/2,1/2)=1, H(1/4,1/4,1/4,1/4)=2, H(1/p,…,1/p)=log2(p). Entropy: Entropy has often been loosely associated with the amount of order or disorder, or of chaos, in a thermodynamic system. (

2 Entropy of a Clustering X
Assume we have m classes in our clustering problem; for each cluster Ci we have proportions pi=(pi1,…,pim) of examples belonging to the m different classes (for cluster numbers i=1,..,k); the entropy of a clustering X is the size-weighted sum of the entropies on the individual clusters: H(X)= r=1 (|Cr|/|p=1|Cp|)*H(pr) Remarks: In the above formulas ”|…|” represents the set cardinality function; e.g. |{2,3,5}|=3 and ||=0! Moreover, we assume that X={C1,…,Ck} is a clustering with k clusters C1,…,Ck; In R, cluster 0 is assumed to contain outliers; it is ignored when computing H(X) k

3 Example: Entropy of a Clustering X
x, o, and * represent examples belonging to 3 classes C1, C2, and C3. Cluster 0 (really outliers!) x o o H(X)= r=1 (|Cr|/|p=1|Cp|)*H(pr) Cluster 1 * x o X H(X)= 3/10*H((1/3,1/3,1/3))+ 4/10*H((1/2,1/2,0))+ 3/10*H((0,1,0))= 3/10*log2(3) + 4/10*1 + 3/10*0= Cluster 2 x o x o Cluster 3 o o o

4 Example: Variance of a Clustering X
x, o, and * represent examples belonging to 3 classes C1, C2, and C3. Cluster 0 (really outliers!) 3 3 6 Var(X)= r=1 (|Cr|/|p=1|Cp|)*Var(Cr) Cluster 1 3 3 3 X Var(X)= 3/8*Var((3,3,3)+1/8*Var((4))+4/8Var((4,5,6,7)) *1.667=2/3=0.667 Cluster 2 4 Cluster 3

5 1. Randomized Hill Climbing
Neighborhood The last technology I like to introduce in today’s presentation are shared ontologies. Shared ontologies are important to standardize communication, and for gathering information from different information sources. Ontologies play an important role for agent-based systems. Ontologies basically describe... Randomized Hill Climbing: Sample p points randomly in the neighborhood of the currently best solution; determine the best solution of the n sampled points. If it is better than the current solution, make it the new current solution and continue the search; otherwise, terminate returning the current solution. Advantages: easy to apply, does not need many resources, usually fast. Problems: How do I define my neighborhood; what parameter p should I choose? Eick et al., ParCo11, Ghent

6 Example Randomized Hill Climbing
Maximize f(x,y,z)=|x-y-0.2|*|x*z-0.8|*|0.3- z*z*y| with x,y,z in [0,1] Neighborhood Design: Create solutions 50 solutions s, such that: s= (min(1, max(0,x+r1)), min(1, max(0,y+r2)), min(1, max(0, z+r3)) with r1, r2, r3 being random numbers in [-0.05,+0.05].

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