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For Current Residents. Remember, Colorado Mesa University has a live on requirement for all Freshman and Sophomores that do not meet the qualifying criteria.

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Presentation on theme: "For Current Residents. Remember, Colorado Mesa University has a live on requirement for all Freshman and Sophomores that do not meet the qualifying criteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 For Current Residents

2 Remember, Colorado Mesa University has a live on requirement for all Freshman and Sophomores that do not meet the qualifying criteria to live off campus. IF you meet these criteria, please submit a request for contract release. The following exemptions allow for an automatic exemption to the residency policy upon completion of this request to Residence Life: Students living in Mesa County, at the full-time established residence of a parent/legal guardian; Students who are at least twenty one (21) years of age prior to the beginning of the subsequent fall or spring semester If you do not meet this criteria, but still wish to live of campus, Login to MyHousing in the, select ApplyOnline, and fill out the Sophomore Request for Permission to move off campus application. Requests are due by February 25th Students will be granted permission in a randomized lottery process. If a student is not given permission to move off campus and does not select a room, they will be auto assigned a space at the end of the Sophomore room selection period.

3 Choose your roommates, suite/apartment-mates! Review the Roommate Selection Guide Set up your Roommate Group (if you have one) prior to the earliest lottery in which your group can participate. Make sure everyone in your group has mutually requested each other so that you have a fully matched group. Make sure you all agree on a plan! Which building, who goes in which room type within the suite, etc. Remember, anyone you confirm as a mutual roommate can pull you in to a room! Decide where you want to live Plan ahead for at least a 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd choice! For example: 1 st choice: North Avenue Apt Single If they are all taken... Do I try for a North Ave Suite Double or a Walnut Ridge Single? 2 nd choice: Walnut Ridge Single What if they are all taken as well? 3 rd choice: Walnut Ridge Double 11 22

4 When you choose to select a new room, suite or apartment for the upcoming academic year during one of the New Room Selections... Be aware of your roommate requests. You plus your roommates cannot be greater than the total available spaces in the room, suite or apartment that you would like to select. Examples: You will not be shown any Rait double rooms if you have more than one roommate request. You will not be shown any North Ave suites or aparments if you have more than six roommate requests. If, after the previous lotteries, there are four (or less) beds left in any Orchard Ave suite you wont be able to see any spaces in Orchard Ave if you plus your roommates is greater than four.

5 U SERNAME Your MAVzone username is normally the first letter of your first name followed by the first seven letters of your last name. To look up your username, go to the Campus Directory and use the search function. Your username is the text in front of the @ in your email address. Trouble? Call the IT Help Desk, 970.248.2111.

6 This box has your Room Selection Processes, including start/end times.

7 Please see the Roommate Selection Guide for more information on setting up your roommate group Please see the Roommate Selection Guide for more information on setting up your roommate group

8 Make sure you read and understand the contract. Your online agreement to the contract is legally binding. When you click on the Room Selection menu, the first thing you will do is accept the Housing & Dining Contract before continuing

9 As soon as you add a roommate, that student will receive an email notification on their CMU email account. Search for your roommates here. If your roommate does not currently live on campus or has not applied for housing, you will not be able to add them yet. Search for your roommates here. If your roommate does not currently live on campus or has not applied for housing, you will not be able to add them yet.

10 If you have a pending request, you will be able to Decline or Confirm here. When you Add, Delete, Confirm or Decline a Roommate Request, the student will receive a notice on their CMU email.

11 Remember: You must have a fully matched group before you can choose a room! You can see which roommates are unmatched in your roommate group

12 To choose your room, go to the menu on the left, hover over Room Selection and click Select a Room/Suite

13 If you are eligible for more than one room selection at the same time, you will need to select the room selection in which you want to participate. Remember, once you participate in one room selection, you will be removed from the other room selections! Roommate Selection Only is not a room selection.

14 Depending on your room selection, you may have an opportunity to filter the available rooms by Specific Hall. To see all rooms across campus, just leave this filter as (any) and click Find Available Rooms Depending on your room selection, you may have an opportunity to filter the available rooms by Specific Hall. To see all rooms across campus, just leave this filter as (any) and click Find Available Rooms Available Halls for the Sophomore room selection are: North Ave Suites and Apartments Walnut Ridge Apartments Orchard Ave Apartments (2.0 GPA) Rait Hall

15 Floor Plan: Click Floor Plan to view the layout of the rooms on that floor. Floor plans are also available on the Residence Life website,, just click on Residence Halls then on the link to the individual building. L IST OF A VAILABLE R OOMS Select Room: Click Select Room to place just yourself or to place you and one roommate (if it is a double with two open beds). Select Suite: Look at the Suite # then at the Rooms within that Suite. You can see how many doubles and/or singles are open within a suite to make sure it works for your group. L IST OF A VAILABLE R OOMS Select Room: Click Select Room to place just yourself or to place you and one roommate (if it is a double with two open beds). Select Suite: Look at the Suite # then at the Rooms within that Suite. You can see how many doubles and/or singles are open within a suite to make sure it works for your group.

16 Once you hit Submit Room Selection, this will be your assignment for the upcoming academic year (as well as the assignment of any roommates you place). Remember, there are no room changes until the Room Change Room Selection. Now that you have selected your suite, simply place each mutually requested roommate into the rooms of the suite. Make sure you place your friends in the spaces you agreed on!

17 FINAL CONFIRMATION Here is the screen you will see once your room selection is complete. You and your roommates will receive an email confirmation on your CMU accounts. All information will be immediately displayed on your MyHousing Overview. If you do not see this screen or your info on MyHousing Overview, please contact Residence Life right away.

18 Your new assignment will show up on your MyHousing Overview immediately.


20 The list of available rooms you will be shown is limited to what you and/or your roommate group fit into and are eligible for... If you have a total of four people in your roommate group, you will only be shown suites & apartments where there are at least four available spaces Males will be shown male rooms Females will be shown female rooms If you feel you should be eligible for a room type that you do not see displayed, please call or email Residence Life and we will determine your eligibility (970.248.1536,

21 Have a plan A, B and C Decide with your roommates what you will do if no 4-person apartments are left in Walnut Ridge (etc). For example, will you break up into two groups of two and try to get apartments near one another? During room selection, you can delete or add roommate requests at any time. Remember that your requested roommate(s) will receive an email each time you add or delete them!

22 If you do not have someone in mind that you would like as a roommate, focus on choosing the best available room. Once you pick your room, you will immediately have roommate and/or suitemate contact information available on your MyHousing Overview. Get in touch with your roommates Email, Call, Facebook - whatever is best for you!

23 Once your room is selected, it will be your assignment for the upcoming academic year Unless you choose to participate in the Room Change Room Selection mentioned previously Questions? Email: Call: 970.248.1536

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