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What Even Was The Renaissance?

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Presentation on theme: "What Even Was The Renaissance?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Even Was The Renaissance?

2 What Is The Renaissance?
Renaissance is a French word meaning “Rebirth” It is applied to the time between the 15th – 18th Century It is Considered the Golden Age when the Arts, Literature, and Sciences flourished It began in Southern Europe in Italy, and spread north

3 What Are Its Origins? The Renaissance began because of a variety of factors, including: Contact with the Middle East The Revival of Trade Revival of Scholasticism

4 What Are the Characteristics of the Renaissance
The Renaissance is generally characterized by the following: Humanism Classical Art Questioning Spirit

5 When Did It Start? (Timeline)
The Renaissance began in the 1400s and ended in the 1700s Although ideas began forming in the early 1300s

6 The Renaissance 101

7 Humanism At the Heart of the Renaissance

8 Beginnings of Humanism
Humanism was a new way of thinking where scholars, called Humanists, looked back to the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and famous thinkers Aristotle, Plato, Socrates etc. Humanists became interested in their classical ideas about society, politics, science, history, and the arts. This time period was known as the Classical Era

9 CLASSICAL WORKS (The Ancient Thinkers)

10 Greek & Roman Empire


12 School of Athens by Raphael (1508-1511)
Depicted the classics such as Plato and Aristotle and other philosophers AS modern Renaissance men of the time (Da Vinci, Michelangelo, etc). Why?

13 Humanism and the Individual
Belief in dignity and the potential of the individual It is important to be curious, ask questions, and have an open mind Learning is key to achievement and should be skilled in multiple ways physically, religiously, creatively, scholarly, etc Human beings can use the power of reason (thinking) to find truth for themselves

14 “If I have any money I buy books, if there is any left over, I buy food and clothes” -Erasmus What is Erasmus emphasizing in this quote?

15 Renaissance Humanism V.S. Medieval Feudalism
Compare Renaissance Humanist Society to what you know about Feudal Medieval Society prior to the Renaissance. Do you see any differences? Similarities? Similarities Differences They both.. One does…the other…

16 Exploring Humanism & Renaissance Ideals
For this chapter we will be exploring Humanism & Renaissance Ideals in specific areas, such as Art, Literature, Religion, etc. together through a Renaissance Academy Awards Project!

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