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Embedding Graphics in Web Pages

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1 Embedding Graphics in Web Pages
HTML uses an empty tag called the <IMG> (image tag) <IMG SRC=“image URL”> or <IMG SRC=“path/filename”> Note: all web production tools do insert these commands through the product’s GUI interface. But it is good to recognize the set of tags that accomplishes this action

2 Background Graphics <BODY BACKGROUND = “paper.gif”>
tag is inserted after the <BODY> tag

3 Contrast and Brightness Rules
If you use a light background, choose dark font colors Light font->dark background You may need to adjust your font color when choosing a new background

4 Adding a background or graphic to your Homepage
You can use a simple editor and type in the HTML commands from the previous slides or use Word

5 Word and Web Pages Coverts Word format into HTML
You can start out fresh by entering File->New or You can convert existing Word files into HTML You can update existing HTML files by bringing them into the Word environment.

6 New Lauch Word File->New If all the “goodies” were loaded, you will see a tabbed table and the last section is labeled Web Pages, else you will not see this area, but we can get around that in the next slide. select Web Pages Try out the templates! Click on one and you are off and running. Just like word-processing in Word

7 No Web Page Tab This just means all the examples were not loaded for this installation Just load a blank document (a normal empty Word document) General tab and use the Blank Document template. Do all the normal word-processing (just like you did for lab 5

8 Saving a HTML file from Word
Now when saving use File->Save as HTML … If this option is not present on you File Menu, use Save as ... when the Save Window appears, change the Save as type to HTML document.

9 Existing Word files into HTML
Lauch Word File->Open select Word file do the editing Must save as HTML (see previous slide) note, it will save it under the same filename but with the html extension

10 Update existing HTML Using Word
Launch Word File->Open when the Open window appears, make sure you change Files of type to All files (*.*) Now you can see all the files and you can select the appropriate HTML file. When saving, save as HTML (Please see slide: Saving a HTML file from Word)

11 Inserting Graphics using Word
This is no difference if you inserting them for a Word document or a HTML document. Insert->picture However, these graphics must be in the gif or jpeg format for the Web. Word clip art is saved in gif format

12 Changing the Background using Word
By default, most browsers display text in black on a gray or white background. You can change the default color scheme. On the menu bar, click the Format menu, point to Background Here you can select from No Fill many defined colors More Colors … and Fill Effects...

13 Changing the Background using Word->selecting the Fill Effects

14 Other Background Images
Word provides a selection of background images that you can use for the background of a Web page (see last slide) Additionally, you can use just about any image for a background as long it is a file in the gif or jpeg format. To select a file that you have, click the Other Texture button in the Texture tab area.

15 Questions

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