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Age of Analytical Multiphase Flow Modeling: Multiphase AP Engine (MAPe) Overview Dr. Anand S. Nagoo 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Analytical Multiphase Flow Modeling: Multiphase AP Engine (MAPe) Overview Dr. Anand S. Nagoo 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Analytical Multiphase Flow Modeling: Multiphase AP Engine (MAPe) Overview
Dr. Anand S. Nagoo 1

2 Analytical Advances Review Field Use Cases in Practice
Outline Breakthrough in modeling multiphase flows – new age of analytical prediction Find optimal lift – reliably predict wellbore downhole pressures (lift performance) Find optimal rate – diagnose horizontal well liquids loading early (artificial lift) Analytical Advances Review Field Use Cases in Practice Gain Immediate Value MAPe Overview – 2

3 Key Take Away Analytical advances in multiphase flow modeling now affords reliable downhole predictions for optimizing production and artificial lift in horizontal wells! MAPe Overview – 3

4 Analytical Multiphase Flow Modeling
Problem Definition: a set of averaged-equations for reliable predictions of field-scale multiphase flows “The formulation of a satisfactory set of averaged-equations models emerges as the single highest priority in the modeling of complex multiphase flows.” Prosperetti and Trygvasson (2007) Reality Mathematical Representation MAPe Overview – 4

5 Analytical Multiphase Flow Modeling
Business case: get reliable downhole pressure from available surface field data at low cost (the prize!) Lift curves for rate transient analysis (RTA), nodal analysis, reservoir simulation, reserves estimation - Faster simulations for real-time well surveillance, downhole monitoring and digital oilfield integration Downhole gas velocities and virtual flow metering - Eliminate or minimize costs for pressure gauges MAPe Overview – 5

6 Analytical Multiphase Flow Modeling
Pipe Fractional Flow Theory, Nagoo (2013) Analytical / Digital Multi-field / CMFD / PDE Mechanistic Empirical MAPe Overview – 6

7 Analytical Multiphase Flow Modeling
DEEP (KEY) ANALYTICAL INSIGHT: In multiphase flow, what matters are the measurable changes in the velocities and volume fractions. They govern the transport processes of the multiphase flow – the transport of conservation quantities like mass, momentum and energy, i.e. why flow patterns matter! MAPe Overview – 7

8 Analytical Multiphase Flow Modeling
Fractional flow paths interconnect flow patterns in continuous (analytical) ways! CMEM Journal, v.6, n.2, pp , 2018 MAPe Overview – 8

9 Wide Range of Industry Applications
Pipe Fractional Flow Theory validated against world’s largest published multiphase flow database (110+ labs) US, Shell E&P large-diameter riser transient multiphase flow (OTC 23968) UK, Swansea, Wales horizontal air and viscoelastic polymer Non-Newtonian multiphase flow (Chem. Eng. Res. Ind. Journal, v.62, pp. 22, 1984) Demonstrates the need for reliable Non-Newtonian flow predictions, e.g. slurries, heavy oils, drag-reducers, drilling fluids (SPE ) MAPe Overview – 9

10 Wide Range of Industry Applications
Canada, British Columbia convergent-divergent-convergent nozzle multiphase flow High water velocity Low water velocity Source: Pougatch et al. (2008) US, Oklahoma subcritical-to-critical air-water choke multiphase flow Source: Pilehvari (1980) New obstructed flow capabilities for perforated wellbore, valves, chokes, solid deposits, jet pumps, nozzles (wholly analytical slip ratio for virtual flow metering!) MAPe Overview – 10

11 Wide Range of Industry Applications
ESP, PCP and other pump performance curves can be solved simultaneously with wellbore multiphase flow equations to reliably predict downhole pre- and post-pump variables and local flow characteristics US, Permian basin horizontal gas-oil-water well with ESP multiphase flow pump intake pressure (PIP) field data available (installed gauge) for entire horizontal ESP well production history MAPe Overview – 11

12 Case Study 1 – Reproducing PLT
Delaware basin gas-condensate-water well Horizontal wells are uniquely complex systems Liquids held up in up-flow and gas held up in down-flow - demonstrates strong impact of well trajectory Extreme slip effects exist as long as up-flow and down-flow exist MAPe Overview – 12

13 Case Study 1 – Reproducing PLT
Extreme slip effects are not captured in pressure profile Wellbore pressure, by itself, will not reveal the true picture of downhole conditions – need phase velocities, holdups and critical rate profiles MAPe Overview – 13

14 Case Study 2 – Reproducing Gauge
Blind Test: Downhole gauge simulation vs. measured pressure gauge data for Permian basin gas-oil-water horizontal well MAPe Overview – 14

15 Horizontal Well Liquid Loading
Business case: early detection of loading pays! Source: Critical Rate Well Flowing Above Time Natural Decline Well deviates from its natural decline Well Flowing Below Critical Rate It is the deferred production that is most costly and most difficult to recover at late-life MAPe Overview – 15

16 Horizontal Well Liquid Loading
MAPe Overview – 16

17 Horizontal Well Liquid Loading
Practical significance: an accurate diagnosis of downhole flow behavior directly impacts production What is the critical (minimum) rate to lift liquids? Where in the well is liquids loading happening? Is well pre-loading, slight-loading, severe-loading? Can we quantify lost liquids production? How to remediate for immediate impact? (change casing/tubing, end-of-tubing depth, etc.) MAPe Overview – 17

18 Horizontal Well Liquid Loading
Source: Imperial College Prior art: poor field predictions Simpler models not applicable Advanced iterative models not practical, adds more unknowns Horizontal large diameter flow Source: Well-defined lab flow characterizations do not exist in the field (flow structures are unknown!) Vertical small diameter flow Not so simple as a ‘film’ or a ‘droplet’ even at lab-scale MAPe Overview – 18

19 Horizontal Well Critical Rate Eqn
Strongest effect is diameter! Simple and direct (explicit) analytical eqn Extensive validation in horizontal field wells Critical gas velocity Gas density, liquid density Gas-liquid interfacial tension Inclination angle from vertical Hydraulic diameter MAPe Overview – 19

20 Horizontal Well Liquid Loading
Use Vg,well vs. Vg,crit curves along entire well to: Effect of diameter (size and optimize fat casing, tubing) Effect of EOT landing depth Effect of wellhead pressures (compression, well control) Effect of lift location and type (plunger, gas, foam) Quantify lost production (SPE ) MAPe Overview – 20

21 Horizontal Well Liquid Loading
MAPe Overview – 21

22 Case Study 3 – Detectable Loading
Casing pressure Tubing pressure North America Fayetteville dry gas and water toe-down well with different loading stages detectable from surface field data MAPe Overview – 22

23 Case Study 3 – Detectable Loading
scale magnified North America Fayetteville dry gas and water toe-down well with different loading stages detectable from surface field data Vg,well vs. Vg,crit profiles correctly diagnose pre-, slight- and severe-loading data Severe-loading occurs when both tubing and bend regions load MAPe Overview – 23

24 Case Study 4 – Undetectable Loading
Line pressure Casing pressure Days Casing pressure Line pressure North America Marcellus gas-water horizontal toe-down well MAPe Overview – 24

25 Case Study 4 – Undetectable Loading
RUN X1 RUN X2 RUN X ” tubing RUN B Casing pressure Line pressure North America Marcellus gas-water horizontal toe-down well MAPe Overview – 25

26 Case Study 5 – Test & Validate EOT
North America Eagle Ford gas-condensate-water dew point fluid horizontal toe-down well with EOT lowered to avoid loading MAPe Overview – 26

27 Case Study 5 – Test & Validate EOT
North America Eagle Ford gas-condensate-water dew point fluid horizontal toe-down well with EOT lowered to avoid loading Vg,well vs. Vg,crit profiles reliably simulate surface field data trends both before and after EOT landing depth lowered MAPe Overview – 27

28 Case Study 6 – Design & Predict EOT
Liquid loading changes drastically with EOT location Well MD (ft) Vg,crit, Vg,well 30 60 90 Well incl. (degs) MAPe Overview – 28

29 Case Study 7 – Life-of-Well Lift
FBHP FBHP We can now analytically determine unloading point! Combine FBHP + Vg,well + Vg,crit lift curves to quantify lost production and optimize life-of-well lift against declining rates MAPe Overview – 29

30 Case Study 7 – Life-of-Well Lift
UK North Sea offshore gas-water deviated well with published PLT field measurements (Lea et al., 2008) MAPe Overview – 30

31 Case Study 7 – Life-of-Well Lift
UK North Sea offshore gas-water deviated well with published PLT field measurements (Lea et al., 2008) MAPe Overview – 31

32 Case Study 7 – Life-of-Well Lift
North America Eagle Ford gas-water horizontal well validating the downhole loading proximity metric against field observations North America Eagle Ford gas-water horizontal well validating the downhole loading proximity metric against field observations MAPe Overview – 32

33 Case Study 7 – Life-of-Well Lift
North America Eagle Ford gas-water horizontal well validating the downhole loading proximity metric against field observations MAPe Overview – 33

34 Case Study 8 – Remediate Loading
A suboptimal liquids-rich horizontal well with liquids loading in ALL regions of the wellbore North America Permian basin gas-oil-water horizontal well: going from loaded to unloaded using velocity string and gas lift MAPe Overview – 34

35 Case Study 8 – Remediate Loading
North America Permian basin gas-oil-water horizontal well: going from loaded to unloaded using velocity string and gas lift MAPe Overview – 35

36 Case Study 8 – Remediate Loading
North America Permian basin gas-oil-water horizontal well: going from loaded to unloaded using velocity string and gas lift MAPe Overview – 36

37 Conclusions & Take Home Message
New age of analytical multiphase flow prediction Analytical modeling capability closes lift performance gaps for reliable downhole pressure predictions Optimal lift + optimal rate (analytical critical rate eqn) = accurate diagnosis of horizontal well loading Analytical advances in multiphase flow modeling now affords reliable downhole predictions for optimizing production and artificial lift in horizontal wells! MAPe Overview – 37

38 Four Upcoming MAPe Modules
In order of development: Well and pipeline integrity (multiphase erosion, corrosion, thermal) calculations Cyclical (plunger lift) and single-instance (pigging) fluid displacement calculations Combine single-branch calculations for fully-implicit integrated networks (multi-laterals, surface grids) Solid deposits (flow assurance) and 4-phase flows MAPe Overview – 38

39 Contact us at info@nagoo-associates
Contact us at for arranging an on-site presentation/demo or training session on the MAPe simulator! 39

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