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Human Continuum.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Continuum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Continuum

2 Skills we’re building…
Support arguments with evidence Resolve conflicting views Solve complex problems with no easy answer Use oral and written language skillfully


4 Back wall: Strongly disagree
Human Continuum Line up according to how strongly you agree with the statement. Board: Strongly agree Back wall: Strongly disagree Fold the line: Fold the line in half, so you pair up at the other end of the line. Person 1: 1 minute to share your opinion Person 2: 1 minute to share yours

5 Partners, grab another pair of partners

6 Groups of 4 Round One: One by one, each person will explain your partner’s stance to the other pair. Person 1: 30 seconds Person 2: 30 seconds Person 3: 30 seconds Person 4: 30 seconds

7 Groups of 4 Round Two: Each person has one minute to respond to the opinions they heard. I agree with _____________ because ….. I disagree with ___________ because…. What ____________ said reminds me of…. I wonder about ….

8 Philosophical Chairs A form of class debate.

9 Skills we’re building…
Support arguments with evidence Resolve conflicting views Solve complex problems with no easy answer Use oral and written language skillfully Listen actively and consider counterarguments


11 The death penalty should be legal.
Debate Topic: The death penalty should be legal. Pro (agree) Con (disagree)

12 Rules… ONE person speaks at a time.
Sides takes turns. First Side 1, then Side 2; one person speaks per side. At least 5 other people from your team must speak before you have a second turn. When you speak, you must first PARAPHRASE the previous speaker.

13 How to Paraphrase! “You said ____________, but I think…….”
Start with, “You said _________.” Fill in the blank by repeating the person’s argument , but using your own words. NOW it’s your turn…state your own opinion.

14 PARAPHRASE You say _____________, but I think …..

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