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Review for Test Africa and Southeast Asia NO ESSAY- 35 multiple choice

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1 Review for Test Africa and Southeast Asia NO ESSAY- 35 multiple choice
Complete castlelearning

2 Human Rights Universal Declarations of Human Rights by the United Nations 1948. Lists rights that every human being is entitled to. Cannot be discriminated against, rights and freedoms etc.

3 2. Apartheid in South Africa
Policy of racial segregation enforced by the law. Separate facilities (parks, beaches, schools). Live in homelands. Carry identification cards. No say in government. Human rights violation.

4 3. End apartheid 1986- Economic sanctions.
Forbid loans and investments in South Africa. Banned imports from South Africa. F.W. De Klerk released Nelson Mandela from prison (27 years). Repeal apartheid legislation. Mandela elected first black president of South Africa. Jointly win Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

5 4. Cambodia under Pol Pot Wanted to create an agrarian (farming) nation. Reign of Terror killed (genocide) anyone considered intellectual. Destroys any western institutions- banks, office buildings, schools, churches etc. Communist leader of Khemer Rouge. 1 million killed (1/3 population).

6 5. Genocide The murder of an entire race of people. Example- Cambodia

7 6. Africa after WWII Most African nations gained their independence after WWII. Europe was destroyed. Could not maintain colonies and rebuild, so granted independence. Nationalism was difficult to achieve in Africa because people had tribalism instead.

8 7. Problems in Africa Unstable governments. Civil Wars (Nigeria).
Tribalism Unstable economies. Still dependent on mother country economically.

9 8. Economies in Africa Capitalism and socialism both exist in Africa, however the most common type of economy is mixed economy. This combines elements of both. Most farmers are subsistence farmers.

10 9. Tribalism and Pan Africanism
Tribalism- loyalty to ones tribal group. Prevents nationalism. Pan-Africanism- the movement to unite all Africans.

11 10. Foreign Policy Non-Alignment- Most African nations do not take sides with either the United States or the Former Soviet Union (neutral). This enables them to accept financial aid from both sides.

12 11. Vietnam Communist North Vietnam invades non-Communist South Vietnam. United States enters because fearful of domino theory and wanted to contain communism. After U.S. leaves, fighting continues. Eventually south falls. United as one communist country.

13 12. U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia
Domino theory- prevent the spread of communism (Korea and Vietnam). Natural resources. Naval bases. Strategic location.

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