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Design of an integrated liquid flow cell for correlative microscopy

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Presentation on theme: "Design of an integrated liquid flow cell for correlative microscopy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design of an integrated liquid flow cell for correlative microscopy
Diederik Morsink First Msc. presentation

2 Outline Crash course in Life science imaging Introducing Delmic
Previous research My Project Progress To do Aimed results Planning

3 Crash course in Life science imaging
Highest goal in life science imaging: High resolution imaging of living cells in their natural environment ~1675 2013

4 Crash course in Life science imaging
Fluorescence Microscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy Correlative Microscopy

5 Crash course in Life science imaging
Fluorescence microscopy Advantages: Color contrast No damage to sample Functional information Disadvantage: Diffraction limited

6 Crash course in Life science imaging
Fluorescence microscopy Advantages: Color contrast No damage to sample Functional information Disadvantage: Diffraction limited Image courtesy: Nalan Liv

7 Crash course in Life science imaging
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Advantage: High resolution Structural information Disadvantage: Needs vacuum environment Can damage the sample

8 Crash course in Life science imaging
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Advantage: High resolution Structural information Disadvantage: Needs vacuum environment Can damage the sample Image courtesy: Nalan Liv

9 Crash course in Life science imaging
Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) Combining the information of from SEM and Fluorescence imaging Structural and functional information

10 Crash course in Life science imaging
Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) Combining the information of from SEM and Fluorescence imaging Structural and functional information 3μm Image courtesy: Nalan Liv

11 Delmic Spinoff TNW SECOM platform Correlative microscopy
Image courtesy: Delmic and Ruud van Tol

12 Previous research Liquid cell Liquid flow cell

13 Previous research Liquid cell Liquid Flow cell
Image courtesy: Daan van Oosten Slingeland

14 Previous research Liquid cell Liquid Flow cell
Image courtesy: Daan van Oosten Slingeland

15 My project Liquid cell Liquid Flow cell ....
Image courtesy: Daan van Oosten Slingeland

16 My project Integrating pump, imaging area and reservoirs in a single MEMS device. Simultaneous imaging and manipulation Living cells Working prototype

17 Progress So Far: Literature study on Life science imaging techniques
Literature study on Micropumps Requirements Selecting micropump designs Conceptual design of how to integrate pump, imaging area and reservoirs in a single device

18 Integrated Liquid Flow cell
Requirements Integrated Liquid Flow cell General Vacuum compatible Biocompatible Control interface Fit SECOM platform Imaging area Optical window: 170 µm thick Electron beam window: 50 nm thick Gap between windows: <50µm Flow velocity 0-1mm/s Cells must be trapped at membrane Microfluidic pump Self priming Reservoirs: 5-10µl

19 Conceptual design:

20 Conceptual design: Microfluidic pump
Based on designs by Linnemann (1998) and Kang (2008) Stack of 3 Si wafers pumpchamber Pump diaphragm Piezo element Inlet Outlet

21 Conceptual design: Imaging area
Separate chip with silicon nitride membrane (orange) Silicon nitride membrane Imaging area Silicon spacer Microchannel Glass coverslip

22 Conceptual design: Integration in a single device

23 Conceptual design: Integration in a single device

24 Conceptual design: Integration in a single device

25 Conceptual design: Integration in a single device
Outlet Inlet

26 Conceptual design: Integration in a single device
Al. bottom Si3N4 Chip Si wafer 1 Sii wafer 2 Si wafer 3 O-ring Al. top Coverslip

27 Conceptual design: Integration in a single device
Al. bottom Si3N4 Chip Si wafer 1 Sii wafer 2 Si wafer 3 O-ring Al. top Coverslip

28 Design overview Two microfluidic pumps and reservoirs
Imaging area with separate silicon nitride chip Stack of 3 silicon wafers on glass substrate

29 Fabrication

30 Fabrication Manufacturing complete device not feasible (time restriction)

31 Fabrication Manufacturing complete device not feasible (time restriction) Two critical steps: 1. Bonding coverslip-silicon 2. Clamping chip with silicon nitride membrane F 1. 2.

32 To do Gain experience with bonding coverslip-silicon techniques for this purpose Build a simple microfluidic device that demonstrates that the chosen bonding technique is appropriate

33 To do Gain experience with bonding coverslip-silicon techniques for this purpose Build a simple microfluidic device that demonstrates that the chosen bonding technique is appropriate If time permits: Develop a suitable way for clamping silicon nitride chip to silicon spacer Build a simple microfluidic device that demonstrates successful clamping of silicon nitride chip

34 Final results aimed for
Conceptual design for an integrated liquid flow cell for correlative microscopy Simple microfluidic device demonstrating successful manufacturing of a critical step in the process

35 Planning

36 Design of an integrated liquid flow cell for correlative microscopy
Diederik Morsink First Msc. presentation

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