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Last Supper Lesson 5.4.

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1 Last Supper Lesson 5.4

2 Objectives: * I will know the actions and teachings that took place at the last supper. * I will be able to identify the new covenant in the Lord’s Supper, communion. * I will associate the meaning of the bread and wine to Jesus’ flesh and blood sacrifice. * I will connect the foot washing to the new commandment to love one another and infer love to serving. * I will compare the world’s love to Jesus’ love. * I will create a 5 day initiative to teach and encourage Christians to love one another

3 Mark 14:12-16; __________________________
John 13:1-3; ____________________________ Preparations for the Passover Meal Jesus know Judas would betray Him


5 John 13:4-17; __________________________
Mark 14:18-21; ____________________________ Jesus washes the disciples feet -servant’s job -He washed Judas’ feet Jesus predicts someone will betray Him

6 John 13:31-35; _______________________________________
New Commandment: Love One Another

7 How do we treat people we say we love Characteristics of Jesus’ love

8 Luke 22:14-23 Bread -unleavened -remember His body broken, His flesh
The Elements Bread -unleavened -remember His body broken, His flesh Juice - remember His blood that will be poured out

9 Luke 22:24-28; __________________________
Who is the greatest? The greatest is the one who serves

10 John 14-17; _________________________
Jesus’ last teaching and words of comfort I am the Way -I am coming back for you - I am the only way to God Promise of the Holy Spirit -Helper -dwells in you -Spirit of Truth - I am the true vine -we can only grow if we are connected to Jesus Hatred of the world -If you follow Me, you will be hated Work of the Holy Spirit High Priestly Prayer -may they NOT be of the world

11 New Commandment Event Create a 5 day initiative to encourage Christians to follow Jesus’ new commandment, love one another (serving, giving up rights). There is a lot of creative leeway in this project. Rubric: Title, slogan and Logo Daily challenge (different focus group every day, ideas for love in action) 1 event (one event at beginning or end to challenge or celebrate: concert, speakers, picnic, meal, fun run fund raiser for a cause)

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