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A Christmas Carol: Act I

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1 A Christmas Carol: Act I
Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Setting Scrooge Marley Past Vocab 10 20 30 40 50 *Fred

3 Where did Scrooge and Cratchit work?

4 counting house

5 When does the action of Act I take place?

6 Christmas Eve

7 Describe where Scrooge and Marley work.

8 Cold. Scrooge has an office and Cratchit has a small cubicle.

9 What is not normal about the day at the beginning of the play?

10 Dark at 3PM

11 What are the places, in order, that Past takes Scrooge?

12 1. Young Scrooge alone at school 2
1. Young Scrooge alone at school 2. Fan and young Scrooge at the boarding house 3. Fezziwig’s party at the warehouse 4. Counting house talking to Lost Love

13 Why doesn’t Scrooge like Christmas?

14 It stops business and so he makes less money

15 What 3 things does Scrooge do immediately after seeing Marley instead of the door knocker?

16 Checks the back of the door knocker Checks each room, looks under the sofa and table Checks the pictures on the wall

17 Scrooge believes that the _______ should be in workhouses and prisons.

18 destitute

19 What did Scrooge’s lost love implore Scrooge to do?
I hope you are studying your vocabulary.

20 Give up his miserly ways. Not be so greedy

21 What does Fred ask Scrooge at the beginning of the story?

22 Christmas dinner invite

23 Who is Marley?

24 A specter who used to be Scrooge’s partner at the counting house

25 What do we learn about Scrooge from Marley?

26 Scrooge is a miser who likes being alone.

27 What is the purpose of Marley’s speech at the beginning of the play?

28 To introduce Scrooge to the audience

29 Why does Marley wear a chain?

30 All of his sins. He was greedy and never left the counting house.

31 What is it called when Marley talks to the audience?

32 Aside

33 Describe Scrooge as a boy.

34 alone

35 Describe the situation between Scrooge and the young woman.

36 She is leaving him because he loves money more

37 What does Scrooge want to do after seeing Fezziwig’s party?

38 Talk to Cratchit, his clerk

39 Who was not kind to Scrooge in his past?

40 Schoolmaster father and friends who neglected him

41 What does Fred say about people on Christmas?

42 They open up their shut-up hearts

43 counting house Can you use 5 vocab works in sentences? Let’s see what you can do with these 5 words.

44 Does your answer have something about financial records, business letters, or an office? If not, you need to add to your sentence.

45 liberality

46 Did you explain in your sentence what generous act your subject did
Did you explain in your sentence what generous act your subject did? If not, you need to add to your sentence.

47 specter

48 I hope your subject is a ghost
I hope your subject is a ghost. If not, you need to change your sentence.

49 promissory notes

50 I hope our sentence involves a person promising to pay someone back
I hope our sentence involves a person promising to pay someone back. If not, you need to add to your sentence.

51 apprentice

52 Did you mention that the apprentice in your subject is learning a trade? If not, you need to add to your sentence.

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