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College application process

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1 College application process
FAQ December 2, 2018

2 What will my Counselor send to colleges for me?
1. Your Transcript and 2. Supporting Documents which may include: A secondary school report (SR) A letter of recommendation (only if required) A School Profile Senior year grades ( after marking period 1 or 2) by separate request – must submit a separate Senior Year Grade Request form.

3 How will My SAT and or ACT scores get to the college?
You will need to visit – or and have your scores sent directly to the colleges. We will not send any standardized test scores to colleges

4 When can I submit a transcript request form?
*After you have you have been authorized by me to do so! *you will be authorized when You have followed directions In the following slides!

5 1. Review your Transcript!
If you have not already, please review your transcript before you leave today. Pay particular attention to: Name, Birthdate, GPA, Classes Grades and LINCS if applicable If it is incorrect, you will need to submit a Transcript Correction Request!

6 2. Update Your Naviance Profile Pay particular attention to Name, birthdate and email address
Name must be the same as it appears on your transcript and the same as you used for all applications!

7 3. Turn in Student/Parent Authorization form

8 4. If you need a Counselor Letter of Recommendation, fill out the survey?
Fill out Counselor Letter of Recommendation Survey on Naviance: Go to ‘About Me’ tab Click ‘Counselor Letter of Recommendation survey’ in left hand column Be sure to indicate to which colleges you would like you letter to go in the first question!

9 Letter of Recommendation Survey Location
Be certain to sign the waiver on the Student?Parent Authorization form!!!

10 5. If you are using the Common App… Common App Match in Naviance
Must use the used to create your common app account and your birthdate must be the same in both common app and Naviance)

11 How To Common App Match…

12 How To Common App Match…
- click here to view a Common App matching instructional video…

13 Click on the link below! For Common App Matching Instructional video…

14 Why can’t I Common App Match?
I have a common app account – why can’t I match in Naviance? Have you done these three things in common app: 1used the same 2 signed the FERPA agreement 3 added at least one college

15 Not using the common app…

16 Why are counselors and teachers telling me they cant send my docs when I have successfully common app matched? BEFORE A COUNSELOR OR TEACHER CAN SEND ANY DOCUMENTS TO A COMMON APP SCHOOL – You must place the college in YOUR common app account!

17 If you have completed 1-5 You are now ready to Request transcripts!!!
All Transcripts are requested via Naviance! It is a best practice to follow the quick guide closely when requesting your transcripts! Click here for the Quick Guide.

18 To Request Transcripts:

19 To Request Transcripts:

20 To Request Transcripts:

21 Please make sure you tell us how you are applying!

22 Question: How do I track the status of my transcript requests?
From the Colleges tab… 1. Click transcript link

23 Track Status of Transcript Request
Click on link to view status of your transcript request

24 Track Status of Transcript Request
“Mailed” column refers to the Counselor’s responsibility of mailing your transcript Pending means transcript has not been sent yet. Be sure allow 10 school days for transcripts to be sent Mailed status currently says “pending”

25 Transcript Request Status
Date transcript was mailed IMPORTANT! The date from which you submit the paper transcript request form is the date when we will begin counting 10 school days. However, if you are applying via the Common App, you must first add the college to your Common Application account before returning the transcript request form. The system will not allow us to send your transcript unless it is added in your Common App account.

26 Teacher Recommendations
Consult - Requesting Teacher Recommendations - Process Flow Chart: S:\Admin\Guidance\College Application Curriculum\teacher rec flow chart.pptx Consult - Requesting Teacher Letters of Recommendation Through Naviance Instructions: Requesting Teacher Recs via Naviance ppt pptx Or watch the video!

27 How do I send my first quarter or midyear grades to colleges?
Keep in mind- Colleges typically only consider grades they have requested! First Marking Period: Submit Senior Year Grade Request Form for all requests: Midyear Grades: (includes first and second marking periods) Submit the Senior Year Grade Request Form after January 1st * All grades are sent electronically, approximately 1 week after report card distribution

28 How do I sign up for a College Rep Visit?
Sign on to Naviance Click on the Colleges Tab Click on view all upcoming visits Click on College to alphabetize college list Click on sign up Click on Sign Me Up Print out the confirmation as your pass to leave class!

29 Q: How can I find Scholarship Money?
Sign on to Naviance Click on the Colleges tab Scroll down to Scholarships and Money Click on any of the links to help you find money! Pay particular interest to the “National Scholarship Search” tab Why? To find free cash for college? Sallie Mae will search their database of over 3 million scholarships worth more than $13 billion, just complete the profile form found under this tab!!!

30 Local Scholarships

31 What do I do now? Make an appt with me to complete process and get your authorization. Narrow down your choices. Visit the colleges on your narrowed list. Come up with at least 1 Very Likely, 1 Likely and 1 unlikely school to which you would like to apply.

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