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Some info for a healthy diet

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1 Some info for a healthy diet
The 7 food groups Some info for a healthy diet

(beef, pork, ovine, horse, poultry fresh meat and entrails, ham and dressed pork products, sausages) FISHING PRODUCTS (fresh, frozen, preserved sea and river/lake fish, shellfish) EGGS

3 Main nutrients supplied:
GROUP 1 Main nutrients supplied: Pproteins with a high biological value; -iron; -some vitamins from group B; -lipids (present in fatty meats and fish, in some entrails, in ham, dressed pork products and sausages, in egg yolk ( which contains cholesterol in high quantities, too)

4 GROUP 1 Some Advice Lean meat like chicken, rabbit and turkey meat, together with fish, are the healthiest food in this group. Consumption of fatty meat, dressed pork products and sausages should be reduced to a minimum. As regards eggs, healthy people should have a maximum number of three per week.

5 Group 2 MILK MILK PRODUCTS (yoghurt, dairy products, cheese)

6 Main nutrients supplied:
GROUP 2 Main nutrients supplied: calcium and phosphorus; proteins with a high biological value; vitamin A and vitamin D; some vitamins from group B ; lipids (mainly the saturated type).

7 GROUP 2 Some Advice Partially skimmed milk (for people over 20 of age) and the lowest in calories dairy products and cheese are the healthiest food in this group.

(rice, pasta, bread, flour, wheat semolina, maize, oatmeal, bread sticks, crackers etc.) TUBERS (potatoes)

9 Main nutrients supplied:
GROUP 3 Main nutrients supplied: complex carbohydrates (starch); proteins with low biological value ; some vitamins from group B ; dietary fibre, especially in wholemeal products.

10 GROUP 3 Some Advice The less refined products, therefore the richest in dietary fibre, are the healthiest food in this group.

11 Group 4 LEGUMES (beans, lentils, peas, broad beans, chick-peas, soy beans)

12 Main nutrients supplied:
GROUP 4 Main nutrients supplied: proteins with medium energetic value; complex carbohydrates (starch); vitamins from group B ; dietary fibre, especially water soluble; iron and calcium.

13 GROUP 4 Some Advice The alternating consumption of all the products in this group should be encouraged; they should be eaten together with cereals (for example pasta with beans, rice with peas, corn-meal mush with lentils etc).

14 Group 5 FAT AND OILS (butter, margarine, lard, olive oil, soy bean oil, maize oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil etc.)

15 Main nutrients supplied:
GROUP 5 Main nutrients supplied: lipids; fat acids; essential fat acids ; fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E)

16 GROUP 5 Some Advice their consumption should be limited; fat and oils of vegetable origin, olive oil in particular, are definitely better than the ones derived from animals (butter, lard).

(carrots, yellow pumpkin, peppers, spinach, beetroots, broccoli, endive, lettuce, green chicory, apricots, peaches, persimmons, yellow melon)

18 Main nutrients supplied:
GROUP 6 Main nutrients supplied: carotene and other vitamins; minerals (potassium, phosphorus); diatery fibre; sugar (fructose from fruit); water

19 GROUP 6 Some Advice products from this group should be always present on our tables and our selection should be as varied as possible.

20 Group 7 VEGETABLES AND FRUIT providing vitamin C
(tomatoes, peppers, cauliflowers, broccoli, new potatoes, all types of citrus fruit, and moreover strawberries, pineapples and kiwi fruits)

21 Main nutrients supplied:
GROUP 7 Main nutrients supplied: vitamin C and other vitamins; minerals(potassium, phosphorus); dietary fibre; sugar (fructose from fruit); Water.

22 GROUP 7 Some Advice products from this group should always be present on our tables and our selection should be as varied as possible.

23 The food pyramid MEDITERRANEAN DIET

24 egs

25 The Mediterranean Food Pyramid
Regular physical exercise; Wine in moderate quantities; Only a few times a month: red meat; Only a few times a week: sweets, eggs, poultry, fish; Every day: cheese and yoghurt, olive oil, legumes and nuts, fruit and vegetables; pasta, bread , rice, corn-meal mush, cereals, potatoes.

26 The food pyramid THE AMERICAN DIET


28 The USDA Food Pyramid The symbols represent added fat and sugar;
Moderate quantities of fat and sweets; 2 or 3 portions of: dairy products and cheese; meat, chicken, fish, legumes, nuts and eggs; 2 to 4 portions of fruit; 3 to 5 portions of vegetables; 6 to 11 portions of bread, pasta, cereals.


30 And you, what do you eat??? The end

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