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Introduction to the “Climate Schools” Project

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1 Introduction to the “Climate Schools” Project
TPD “Mobility, traffic and renewable energies” Lower secondary education Introduction to the “Climate Schools” Project Bernhard Schmölzer University of Teacher Education in Carinthia

2 The Climate Schools Project
The EU project PARRISE is implemented in the national project “Climate Schools” Funded by the Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian government The Austrian Climate and Energy Fund supports provinces and schools in Austria to become energy self-sufficient 10 schools and about 250 students, each managed by a climate region manager take part in the project The objective is to integrate climate and energy issues into classroom education University of Teacher Education in Carinthia

3 The Climate Schools Project
Three regions in Carinthia are involved in the Climate School project: Energieparadies Lavantal (Energy Paradise Vally of Lavant) Terra amicitiae Arnoldstein Region Südkärnten (Region South Carinthia) University of Teacher Education in Carinthia

4 The Climate Schools Project
In the Climate School project, the teachers and their classes deal with environmental issues, renewable energies, energy saving, mobility & traffic Climate regions managers assist and support schools and communities in Austria, who want to become role models in climate and energy issues Climate region managers implement the climate schools project and help schools and communities to achieve sustainable development, to use only locally available and renewable resources and to save energy etc University of Teacher education in Carinthia

5 Session on Inquiry Based Learning (IBL)
TPD “Mobility, traffic and renewable energies” Lower secondary education Session on Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) Bernhard Schmölzer, Helga Vogelhuber (Teacher educator) University of Teacher Education in Carinthia

6 Inquiry Based Learning
Teaching and learning in a student-centered way

7 Building blocks for a new learning culture
Teaching and learning in a student-centered way All teach, all learn Living democracy Open instruction Clarify performance criteria

8 What is Inquiry Based Learning?
Researchers explore a relevant question or hypothesis independently search for answers using various methods shape and reflect on the research process independently prepare and present results University of Teacher Education in Carinthia

9 Structure of Inquiry Based Learning
University of Teacher Education in Carinthia

10 Sources
University of Teacher Education in Carinthia

11 Presentation of a “Climate Schools” workshop
TPD “Mobility, traffic and renewable energies” Lower secondary education Presentation of a “Climate Schools” workshop Diana Radmann University of Klagenfurt

12 Facts The TPD “Mobility, traffic and renewable energies” is a joint project between the Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt and the University of Teacher Education in Carinthia The TPD is implemented in the project “Climate Schools”, funded by the Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian government The model region” Terra amicitiae” Arnoldstein in Carinthia takes part in the project University of Klagenfurt

13 Presentation of a Climate School workshop in the Region “Terra Amicitae”
A project group of pre-service teachers design a workshop at a primary school for grades 4a and 4b Discipline: Physics and Chemistry Duration of the workshop: 4 hours Lesson topic: solar energy and photovoltaics Teaching goals: give pupils an overview of solar energy and the potential of renewable energies using the example of photovoltaics relate the topic to the pupils' everyday life and collect their experiences University of Klagenfurt

14 Presentation of a Climate School workshop in the Region “Terra Amicitae”
SSIBL goals: nurture the interest of pupils about photovoltaics and raise pupil’s awareness about renewable energies, environmentally friendly handling of resources etc Teaching goals pupils should learn about: different types of renewable energy sources (wind, water, biomass and solar power) the sun as the energy supplier for all renewable energies photovoltaics as one possible use of solar energy the functional principle of solar cells University of Klagenfurt

15 Presentation of a Climate School workshop in the Region “Terra Amicitae”
Teaching method: IBL 1. elicit the previous knowledge of pupils 2. explain the structure of a solar cell by showing a video 3. read about solar cells with the pupils University of Klagenfurt

16 Presentation of a Climate School workshop in the Region “Terra Amicitae”
4. Preparation work for the experiments with the solar cells Gain physical, haptic experiences University of Klagenfurt

17 Presentation of a Climate School workshop in the Region “Terra Amicitae”
5. Use experiments to learn about the functional principle of a solar cell University of Klagenfurt

18 Presentation of a Climate School workshop in the Region “Terra Amicitae”
6. Watch a video (on atom energy and green technology) to promote discussion 7. Group discussion about the risks of atom energy and the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energies University of Klagenfurt

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