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Effects of Imperialism on America

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1 Effects of Imperialism on America

2 Anti-Imperialism Threat to Anglo-Saxon heritage
Morally wrong to dominate another country Constitutional rights not given Cost of maintaining military to defend empire too high

3 Hawaii

4 Hawaii American merchants involved in Hawaii since 1790’s
1820’s Christian missionaries open religious schools By 1860’s Americans controlled ¾ of Hawaiian economy with sugar plantations

5 Hawaii

6 Hawaii In 1875, the U.S. set up a treaty with Hawaii to make their sugar duty (or tax) free. In 1887, Hawaii was forced by American businessmen to restrict voting to wealthy landowners Also in 1887, America “convinced” Hawaii to allow a naval base at Pearl Harbor

7 Hawaii

8 Hawaii In 1890, the McKinley Tariff placed taxes back on Hawaiian sugar. This made the U.S. businessmen demand annexation In 1891, King Kalakaua died and his sister Liluokalani takes the throne. She looks to restore power to the Hawaiian people.

9 Hawaii Queen Liliuokalani

10 Hawaii U.S. businessmen did not like that so they, with the help of U.S. government officials, organized a revolution against the Queen in 1893. The U.S. troops imprisoned Liliuokalani and put Sanford B. Dole in charge as the president of the American government in Hawaii President Cleveland did not support annexing Hawaii and attempted to put Liliuokalani back into power, but he failed.

11 Hawaii In 1897, William McKinley, who had won the presidency and took over for Cleveland. McKinley favored annexation. In 1898, the U.S. made it official as Congress proclaimed Hawaii a U.S. Territory. Hawaiians had no say in the matter.

12 Hawaii

13 Video Annexing Hawaii

14 China

15 China China was a huge market and one America wanted to tap into
They did not wish to take over territory but rather open up trade and allow American businessmen to get involved in railroad construction To ensure America was not left out of trading with China they took action

16 China John Hay, Secretary of State (person who deals with foreign policy for the U.S.) issues his Open Door Notes which were sent to all major powers of the time. The notes said the Chinese ports should be open to all countries, no special treatment for any country and the China remain free. The other countries did not want to accept this but reluctantly did.

17 China John Hay Secretary of State for both McKinley and Roosevelt.

18 China China then went through a rebellion known as the Boxer Rebellion. The rebels wished to rid China of foreign influence. This rebellion failed and China was weak. John Hay issued a second round of Open Door Notes stating that America would ensure that trade remained open to all. This was to ensure no imperial country would try to take over China.

19 China The Open Door Notes reflected three American held beliefs that shaped its foreign policy. Growth of US economy depended on exports US had the right to intervene abroad to keep foreign markets open Closing any area to American influence threatened US survival.

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