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Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Cockrell.

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1 Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Cockrell

2 Choice1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 became a great naval base?
Hawaii What addition to the U.S. became a great naval base? Row 1, Col 1

4 Panama Canal What did the U.S. build & open in 1914 to increase trade between the Pacific & the Atlantic Oceans? 1,2

5 What did Ida B. Wells write about to expose a horrible
lynching What did Ida B. Wells write about to expose a horrible problem? 1,3

6 Who wanted a steel navy to protect U.S. trade?
Alfred Thayer Mahan Who wanted a steel navy to protect U.S. trade? 1,4

7 What did the government create for the first time to control
Interstate Commerce Commission What did the government create for the first time to control business for the good of the public? 2,1

8 Roosevelt Corollary added to?
Monroe Doctrine What 1823 document was the Roosevelt Corollary added to? 2,2

9 Why did Americans get mad about the sinking of the
100 Americans died when it sank. Why did Americans get mad about the sinking of the Lusitania? 2,3

10 What is the official motto of the U.S. that has been on paper
In God We Trust What is the official motto of the U.S. that has been on paper money since 1856? 2,4

11 What caused the KKK to form?
Nativism What caused the KKK to form? 3,1

12 What part of our government sets our monetary policy?
the Federal Reserve What part of our government sets our monetary policy? 3,2

13 What law tried to force Native Americans to assimilate into
Dawes Severalty Act What law tried to force Native Americans to assimilate into the white culture? 3,3

14 What are writing a senator, signing a petition, and talking
lobbying What are writing a senator, signing a petition, and talking to a lawmaker examples of? 3,4

15 differently about African Americans after writing a book
W.E.B. DuBois Who made people think differently about African Americans after writing a book called Souls of Black Folk? 4,2

16 What law tried to reduce political corruption by making
Pendleton Act What law tried to reduce political corruption by making people earn federaljobs by passing an exam? 4,3

17 Southern & Western farmers
Who mainly made up the Populist Party? 4,4

18 What was John Jay the first
be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court What was John Jay the first American to do? 5,1

19 How did Eugene Debs affect the 4 presidential elections from
He got votes for the Socialist Party which took votes from Democrats & Republicans. How did Eugene Debs affect the 4 presidential elections from ? 5,2

20 In which war did the U.S. get the most territorial gains?
Spanish-American War since we got Guam, Puerto Rico, & the Philippines In which war did the U.S. get the most territorial gains? 5,3

21 It said that separate, but equal was legal, so African Americans could be separated from whites.
What effect did the Supreme Court decision over Plessy v. Ferguson have on the U.S.? 5,4

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