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Revisit Differentiation and Reflection Standard

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1 Revisit Differentiation and Reflection Standard
Component 2: Differentiation In Instruction Session 4: Refining Draft Entry & Preparing for Submission Revisit Differentiation and Reflection Standard Preparing for Submission Peer Reading & Responding to All Parts of Entry Work Time Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

2 Welcome Be sure to sign in.
Please log on to your National Board Profile to monitor your current status. Respond to the following: As you have been working toward submission, what have you learned about your practice and how has it impacted the learning of your students? Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

3 Outcomes Align examples of differentiation from Written Commentary with AAT. Connect Reflection on Component 2 with evidence from Written Commentary and Next Steps. Understand requirements of Submission and available resources from National Board. Examine draft Written Commentary by a peer. Work Time to continue development and refinement of Component 2 Entry. Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

4 Session 4: Refining Draft Entry & Preparing for Submission Topic 1: Revisit Differentiation Standard & Reflection Standard Accomplished Teachers are Reflective Teachers. Reflection based in evidence is a powerful tool towards improving student learning. Building an accomplished practice can be done by developing reflective skills. Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

5 How do you adjust your teaching given what you know about your
Reflect: How do you adjust your teaching given what you know about your Students? Content Area? Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

6 How do you adjust your teaching given what you know about your
Reflect: How do you adjust your teaching given what you know about your Students? Content Area? Tomlinson 2013 Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.


8 Session 4: Refining Draft Entry & Preparing for Submission Topic 2: Preparing for Submission
Following submission requirements is important in the National Board process to ensure fairness for all candidates. National Board offers many online resources to support understanding of submission. Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

9 Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

10 Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

11 Feedback on evidence assists in refinement of draft entries.
Session 3: Analyzing Student Work to Reflect on Learning Topic 3: Peer Reading & Responding to Draft Written Commentary Feedback on evidence assists in refinement of draft entries. Understanding meaning of clear, consistent & convincing evidence is part of understanding Level 4 Rubric. Candidates must decide for themselves if they agree or not with the feedback. Conversation between the reader and writer are important in understanding feedback. Focus areas of feedback are Standards, Written commentary and Level 4 Rubric. Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

12 Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

13 Enhanced Architecture of Accomplished Teaching
Using the AAT when a member of a cohort or PLC: 4a,4d,4e,4f Enhanced Architecture of Accomplished Teaching START HERE: ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS Who are they? Where are they now? What do they need and when do they need it? Where should I begin? Domain 1 – Planning & Preparation 1b – Knowledge of students 1f – Designing Student Assessment Domain 1 – Planning & Preparation 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e Set new high and worthwhile goals that are appropriate for these students at this time. Reflect on student learning, the effectiveness of instructional design, particular concerns and issues. Domain 4 4a Reflecting on Teaching Domain 1 – Planning & Preparation 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e Provide timely, meaningful feedback to students about their level of accomplishment of the targeted goals. Domain 3 – Instruction 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d,3e Set high, worthwhile goals appropriate for these students, at this time, in this setting Evaluate student learning in light of the goals and the instruction. Implement instruction designed to attain these goals. Domain 1 – Planning & Preparation- 1d Domain 3 – Instruction – 3d Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

14 Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

15 Easily Understood Helps SEE the Classroom
Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

16 Connectedness Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

17 Believe by Evidence argument
Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

18 Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

19 Candidates know best how to utilize time.
Session 4: Refining Draft Entry & Preparing for Submission Topic 4: Work Time Candidates know best how to utilize time. Work Time Suggestions for Refinement or Review Contextual Information Form Written Commentary Sections Analyzing Student Work Samples Individual Candidate Reads for Evidence Peer Reading for Evidence Continue Peer Reading from Topic 3 Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

20 Session 4: Refining Draft Entry & Preparing for Submission Closure
Differentiation & Reflection Standard Preparing for Submission Peer Reading Work Time Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

21 Develop Calendar for Component 2 Submission
Session 4: Refining Draft Entry & Preparing for Submission Preparing for Next Session Develop Calendar for Component 2 Submission Continue refining entry seeking additional feedback If you are beginning a new Component: Read over Portfolio Instructions and Scoring Rubric Review Component Standards Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

22 Cohort members reflect on the session together
Any cohort member can take notes for the group Teacher Liaison uses this form to share what’s happening in the cohort with the administrator Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

23 Be Sure to Reflect on: Students Teaching Strategies
It’s essential that candidates take time to consider what they noticed about their students in reflecting on their teaching. As they reflect on their students, they may determine other teaching strategies they need to try or revisit based upon their student knowledge and the conversations today. It may be too much to ask to have them reflect on both, but perhaps it isn’t for your candidates. This is also an opportunity for candidates to share logistical information with you about the cohort session. Using this individual form may be a safer way for some candidates to share concerns or questions. Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

24 Questions? Copyright © 2016 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

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