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Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design

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1 Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design
Periodicity, Part 1 Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design Mr. Quinn and Ms. Tom 10/28/13

2 Aim How is the periodic table organized?

3 The Periodic Table

4 Atomic Radius The distance from the middle of the nucleus to the outermost electron shell

5 How does atomic radius relate to group and period?
The circles indicate relative atomic radius  As we move right across periods, radius decreases As we move down a group, radius increases

6 Outer Shell Electrons aka Valence Electrons
The total number of electrons on the outer shell Which sublevels does this include?

7 Outer Shell Electrons What do you notice about the number of outer electrons in each group? They are the same As we move right across a period, valence electrons… Increase As valence electrons increase, atomic radius decreases

8 Ionization Energy The amount of energy required to remove a valence electron

9 Ionization Energy As we move across a period, ionization energy…
Increases As we move down a group, ionization energy… Decreases As number of valence electrons increases, ionization energy increases

10 Electron Affinity The amount of energy gained by adding an electron to the outer shell

11 Electron Affinity As we move across a period, electron affinity…
Increases As we move down a group, electron affinity… Stays the same

12 Electron Affinity As number of valence electrons increases, electron affinity… Increases As ionization energy increases, electron affinity…

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