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7 Step Strategy to Reading

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Presentation on theme: "7 Step Strategy to Reading"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Step Strategy to Reading

2 Step 1 Box in and Read the Title So you know what You are reading

3 Step 2 Trace and Number the Paragraphs For the sections….. 1

4 S. T. Step 3 STOP and THINK at the end of
each paragraph to identify the key Points.

5 Word(s) or write these words
Step 4 Circle The KEY or IMPORTANT Word(s) or write these words In the margin.

6 Label the key words in the
Step 5 Read ALL questions! Label the key words in the Question.

7 Step 6 PROVE your answer By locating the paragraph where
The answer is found and Numbering this in your response.

8 Step 7 Mark and record Your answer.

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