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Take Your Teaching from Good to Great

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2 Take Your Teaching from Good to Great
-SESSION 1- Take Your Teaching from Good to Great Jonathan Pokluda & David Marvin

3 Start With a Team “Plans fail for lack of counsel…” Proverbs 15:22
Two minds are better than one…and three are better than two Make every sermon a team project from start to finish 3-10 people is ideal SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

4 Outsource Creativity Even the most creative leaders thrive on teams
Find the most creative people you have access to, and invite them to influence the sermon early in the process SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

5 Creative process begins with team text analysis and illustration ideas
From Start to Finish Creative process begins with team text analysis and illustration ideas Wednesday SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

6 Follow an Outline Find a template that works for you
You do not need the perfect method; you do need a consistent method Resist the urge to “reinvent the wheel” SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

7 Know Your Audience Be a student of your students
Stay relevant. Take note of current events, recent news, and popular culture Beware of assumptions. Your flock may or may not reflect the trends of their generation SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

8 From Start to Finish Thursday- Friday Wednesday
Creative process begins with team text analysis and illustration ideas Speaker and support team build outline Thursday- Friday Wednesday SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

9 Practice Don’t just talk through a sermon, give a message
Preparation does not confine the Holy Spirit, but disorganization might “The Holy Spirit has an affinity for training” SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

10 From Start to Finish Thursday- Friday Wednesday Saturday
Creative process begins with team text analysis and illustration ideas Speaker and support team build outline Practice run given to sermon team; final changes made Thursday- Friday Wednesday Saturday SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

11 Teach the Bible …all of it
We are communicating truth that is not our own Bring your best energy to the text; Get your best energy from the text SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

12 Be You Preaching is the Bible poured through personality
Authenticity and brutal honesty is a win—people want to follow real people Present yourself as you are, not as you’d like to be seen SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

13 Get Feedback You need truth tellers: “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” There is no perfect sermon; Let others talk about the imperfections Not all feedback is created equal SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT

14 From Start to Finish Thursday- Friday Wednesday Saturday Sunday
Creative process begins with team text analysis and illustration ideas Speaker and support team build outline Practice run given to sermon team; final changes made Sermon is given live; feedback sent via Thursday- Friday Wednesday Saturday Sunday SESSION 1 | TAKE YOUR TEACHING FROM GOOD TO GREAT


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