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FY 08 Florence Sawyer School Budget Proposal January 25, 2007

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1 FY 08 Florence Sawyer School Budget Proposal January 25, 2007

2 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Vision Statement The Florence Sawyer School will prepare students who are motivated learners, have achieved measurable academic success, and have developed a solid foundation that gives them the skills for secondary school success. In addition, we will provide opportunities for students to become socially responsible, contributing citizens. The vision statement was designed by the School Council. December 2, 2018

3 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
School Improvement Plan Goals for SIP : Progress Examples: Curriculum- Full implementation of Scott-Foresman Reading and Everyday Math programs, K-5. Work sampling system, PK-K Use of Learning Styles information, K-8 Each year the council reviews the plan. Successes and continuing challenges are shared along with data to support the activity results. This process helps to inform the council as a new plan is developed. Although the plans are currently designed for two years, reviews are yearly and some revisions can be made. December 2, 2018

4 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Progress Examples from SIP: Updated Portfolios as assessment tool, K-8 and began pilot use of electronic portfolio Continued “Student-Led” Conferences, 5-8 Enrichment Programs: Accelerated Reader and Junior Great Books, and “Renzulli Learning” available 3-8 Piloted Power Grade as Parent Access tool in Grade 6 December 2, 2018

5 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Progress Examples from SIP: Completed annual surveys of parents, students, and staff to help inform programs and SIP Implemented electronic newsletter Continued offering Summer reading and Math assignments Reformed K transition process December 2, 2018

6 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
FSS School Council approved a School Improvement Plan for : Includes 5 Goals with multiple Objectives and Activities. Goals: To Continually Improve student performance and knowledge in all academic areas. a. Curriculum b. Instruction c. Assessment After a review of the ’04-06 plan, input is sought from students, parents, community members, and all staff members. The plan is re-written during the spring and summer months. A preliminary recommendation is presented by the SIP subcommittee of the council in Sept., with expected adoption in October. December 2, 2018

7 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Goals, continued: 2. Foster and sustain educational services that support, enrich, and extend our curriculum for all students. a. Personalized Learning opportunities to enrich and remediate. b. Utilize technology to support and enhance curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and to support student enrichment and remediation. Goals are supported by objectives and several activities. Each activity has a responsible party, a timeline, a measurement, and eventually an evaluation. December 2, 2018

8 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Goals, continued: 3. Strive for a culture of respect throughout the school… a. Learning opportunities (Health program, school-wide respect program, Conflict resolution) b. Healthy school environment – health and wellness School culture and its climate are defined by relationships and are an important part of the plan. December 2, 2018

9 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Goals, continued: 4. Implement an effective communication plan for all constituents. Re: student progress, school expectations, educational activities. 5. Provide a safe and nurturing environment. a. School procedures and culture. b. Procedures, training, expectations December 2, 2018

10 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Budget development: Outlined the process and timelines to entire staff. Staff teams (Grade level, content, etc.) identified needs based on school, district, and grade level goals and needs. Admin’s met with Teams during CPT or before/ after school; Sub-group meetings (PK-2/ 3-5/ 6-8). Met with individuals as needed. Shared teacher requests with subcommittee of the School Council, staff, subgroups in subsequent meetings. School Council subcommittee presented FSS Request budget to full School Council. Determined needs through recommendations of staff, administrators, and School Council. Met with District administrators and other Cost Centers The budget is developed with input from staff and the council, which represents the various constituency groups. A basic outline is provided here. December 2, 2018

11 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Cost Center Line Overviews/ Non-Salary Accounts: Contracted Services: (+$5,290) General Office Supplies: (+$8,623) Textbooks: (+$3,328) Gen. Instructional Supp.: (+$5,082) Music Supplies: (+$1,425) Note- Comment on Increases/ Decreases **Will need to review some specific reasons within the budget requests.** General Office Supplies have been under funded. Plus, the increase reflects some adjustments to General Instructional supplies by trying to do more bulk ordering for the Supply Closet of items used by many. Textbooks reflect slight enrollment increases or a bubble at a couple of grade levels. Without a defined adoption, these are additional resources, fill-ins, or new materials to support current curricula. December 2, 2018

12 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Non Salary Site Based Accounts: P.E. Supplies: (+$663) Art Supplies: (+$123) Instructional Tech: (+$3,760) Library Books…: (+$1,600) Guidance Supplies: (+ $66) Library-Media Supp: (+ $350) December 2, 2018

13 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Non-Salary Site Based Accounts: Professional Dev.: (+$11,812) Other Expenses: (- $ 359) 504 Compliance: ( $ 0) Library-Media Other: (+$2,000) Total: (+$43,763) Professional Development reflects a need to support the initiatives that will be outlined after this section. Library-Media (Other) reflects a need to have money for maintenance of equipment, media such as projectors, overheads, DVD players, etc. December 2, 2018

14 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
FY 08 Budget Request Initiatives: Maintain Student-Teacher ratios at District recommended levels. Look to provide more true activity time through Physical Education expansion: 3 x 6 (every other day to continue to build on the health initiatives). Implement plan for increased involvement of Librarian in Classroom research projects with the upgrading of Instructional Aide to Assistant. December 2, 2018

15 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Additional Support with a M.S. Math Coach/ PK-5 Enrichment Teacher for: Students in need of extra support Student Enrichment in all Subject Areas Math Support, Grouping Practices, Co-Teaching Inst. Supplies: Support Teaching Materials: Everyday Math Instructional Materials for ELA, SS, Sci Classroom supplies Clarify --- December 2, 2018

16 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Increased Professional Development – to support District/ FSS initiatives: Define our Assessment System that defines the Standards being taught and supports differentiated learning. Classroom moves for the most effective use of instructional space with PK-2, 3-5, and 6-8 being housed together. The Initiative for funding PD at the site-based level. December 2, 2018

17 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Continue to provide technology tools that enhance the educational experience for students and provide a quality instructional tool for all staff. Support staff initiatives based on PD, data, and research such as the work being done on “Building Academic Vocabulary”. December 2, 2018

18 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Summarize FY 07 New Initiatives Health has been implemented as planned in grades K-8 Have continued to offer quality Extra curricular activities- clubs, intramural sports, extracurricular athletics Continued to implement our Science, Technology and Engineering program, 5-8 – Co-taught with Gr. 5 Science teachers; opportunities for connections 6-8 with Science. Instructional Coaches- Are working actively with teachers in classrooms, as part of our Site-based PD planning subcommittee, in enhancing instructional practice of classroom differentiation, PK-8. December 2, 2018

19 NASHOBA – Florence Sawyer School
Conclusion Our PK-8 structure allows us to be unique within the district, yet able to coordinate at the early childhood (PK-8), elementary (3-5), and middle (6-8) with our colleagues. The School Council supports the goals, objectives, and activities which are consistent with the school and district missions. Financial support through the budget process enables our PK-8 culture to thrive. Thank you. December 2, 2018

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