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Characteristics of Adult Learners

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of Adult Learners"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of Adult Learners
Self-directed Provide their own motivation Create their own standards Have personal experience Need to see the benefit of learning Must have an application to life Recall is the strongest at the beginning and end Awareness of different learning styles

2 Dales’s Cone of Learning
Doing a Dramatic Presentation Simulating a Real Experience Doing the Real Thing 80% Participating in a Discussion Giving a Talk 70% Watching a Movie Looking at an Exhibit Watching a Demonstration 50% Looking at Pictures 30% Hearing Words 20% Reading 10%

3 Audience Analysis Checklist
How many participants are expected? What is the make-up of the group? What is the main occupation or background of the group? What is their knowledge of the subject or topic? Why are they attending this session?

4 Audience Analysis Checklist
What are their expectations? What might be some barriers or challenges regarding the topic? What knowledge do they have of me and my presentation? How much credibility building do I need to do? How and when can I use audience experts to build my topic?

5 Handling Resistance and Disruptive Behavior
Encourage shared responsibility for handling difficult members Use non-verbal cues Acknowledge acceptable behavior Speak privately with repeat offenders

6 Audience Engagement Activities
Group Discussion Panel Facilitation Games Role Play

7 Group Discussion Defined Set-up for Discussing a Topic
Facilitating the Discussion Debriefing and Summarizing a Discussion

8 Panel Facilitation Defined Set-up Conducting and Monitoring a Panel
Debriefing and Summarizing

9 Games Types of Games Icebreaker Context Games Preparing for Games
Conducting a Game Debriefing a Game

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