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European-Turkmen Centre for Qualifications for continuing vocational Training in the oil and gas Industry ETWZ a JEP Tempus – Project.

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Presentation on theme: "European-Turkmen Centre for Qualifications for continuing vocational Training in the oil and gas Industry ETWZ a JEP Tempus – Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 European-Turkmen Centre for Qualifications for continuing vocational Training in the oil and gas Industry ETWZ a JEP Tempus – Project

2 Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH
Project Consortium EU-Partner: Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes, Bielefeld Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk, Paderborn Rackow Schule gGmbH, Hamburg Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski, Olsztyn, Polen Helsinki Business College, Helsinki, Finnland As an individual Expert: Prof.Dr. Karsten Runge, Hamburg Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH

3 Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH
ETWZ Project Consortium Partnerinstitutions: Turkmen Polytechnic Institut in Ashgabad Turkmen Ministry of Education National Corporation „Turkmenneft“ National Corporation „Turkmengas“ Association of Entrepreneur „Turkmenneftgurluschik“ Association of Entrepreneur „Turkmengasgurluschik“ Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH

4 Duration + Targetgroups
ETWZ Duration + Targetgroups Duration: 3,5 years Start: 1. September 2006 End: 28. February 2010 Target groups: Turkmenish instructors as trainers in the courses on ETWZ. 12 people will be chosen and certified in TM and EU Engineers and experts in the Oil and Gas Industry (from the technical, administrative and management fields) Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH

5 Global aims of the Project
ETWZ Global aims of the Project Continuing interdisciplinary vocational training for Turkmenish technicians and engineers, oriented to the changing needs of the economy and the industry To promote the academic and non-academic Know-how-Transfer to the industry and commerce professionals Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH

6 Specific aims of the Project
ETWZ Specific aims of the Project Setting-up  Implementation  longterm integration of the European-Turkmen-Centre for Qualifications (ETWZ) in the Polytechnical Institut in Ashgabad for interdisciplinary continuing vocational training und assurance of Competences on the fields of Gas and Oil Implementation of an international Knowledge and Competence Network Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH

7 Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH
ETWZ Project Results Implementation and longterm integration of ETWZ in the Polytechnic Institute in Ashgabad Development and Optimizing of training modules for ETWZ Train the Trainer in TM and EU – Exchange of Know-how transfer ans experiences Carrying out of the seminars in a diverse, yet modular structure Dissemination of the project results and products to the public Assurance of Sustainability by implementation of a international Kowledge and Competence Network Evaluation, transparency and Quality assurance Transparency of the project administration and management Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH

8 Co-Coordination FI / PL / TM
ETWZ Project Organigramm Management-Team Managing Directors DE1, DE2, DE3, FI, PL, TM Project-Administr. DE1+3/TM Project- consulting FI PL DE1 DE2 Coordination DE 3 Co-Coordination FI / PL / TM WG 1 Professional Language Skills WG 2 Business Management Skills WG 3 Logistics and Transport WG 4 IT Skills WG 5 WWW- Homepage Projekt+ETWZ WG 6 Evaluiation Monitoring DE FI TM DE FI PL TM DE TM DE FI PL TM DE FI PL TM DE FI TM Leadership DE 3 Leadership PL Leadership DE3 Leadership FI Leadership DE2 Leadership DE1 Junge - Rackow Schule gGmbH

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