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Unit 1 Basis of Government

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1 Unit 1 Basis of Government
Forms of Government Unit 1 Basis of Government

2 Ways to classify government
Types of Government can be classified in 3 main ways Who can participate Distribution of power within the state (country) Relationship between the legislative (law makers)and executive (law enforcers) branches

3 Who can participate? Democracy- EVERYONE (essentially) The political authority is held by the people. The people hold complete power and government is only conducted with the consent of the people.

4 Types of Democracy Democracy can be direct- every single person votes for everything Ex. Ancient Rome Problems with this? Benefits? Indirect- Representative Democracy. A small group of people that are voted in by the people make decisions for the state. These people responsible for carrying out day to day government. Example? Problems?

5 Who can participate? Dictatorship- Only chosen people can participate. Government does not have to answer to the people Autocracy- Single person holds power Examples? Oligarchy- Power is held in the hands of a few (usually elite, military, religious group) Dictatorships often appear to be democratic in nature. Have “elections” that are fixed Often militaristic- use force to keep power

6 Where is the power located?
Unitary- Power is centralized in a single central agency National Government creates local governments or agencies only for their own convenience. Local gov’t has little power Federal- Power is divided between the central government and state or local governments. There is a division of power that is set and cannot be changed. Ex. USA

7 Where is the power located?
Confederate government- alliance of independent states. Central government has LITTLE power. Power lies with state and local agencies Ex. European Union

8 Relationship Between Legislative and Executive Branches
Presidential- Separation of powers between the executive and legislative branch People choose (vote) for a president and people vote for legislators independently. Executive is not controlled by legislature Ex. USA

9 Relationship Between Legislative and Executive Branches
Parliamentary- Executive is made up of prime minister and cabinet. Prime minister is chosen FROM the legislature A member of the legislature is VOTED by the legislature to be the prime minister Ex. Great Britain What are the benefits/drawbacks of a parliamentary system?

10 Questions Can a country be both democratic and an autocracy?
Can a country be a federal democracy? Can a country be a unitary presidential form of government?

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