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7th Grade Social Studies

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1 7th Grade Social Studies
Types oF government

2 SS7CG1 SS7CG1: The student will compare and contrast various forms of government

3 Describe the ways the government systems distribute power
SS7CG1a SS7CG1a Describe the ways the government systems distribute power Unitary Confederation Federal

4 SS7CG1a Unitary Government: Power is held by one central authority

5 SS7CG1a Confederation: Voluntary associations of independent states

6 SS7CG1a Federal Government:
Power is divided between one central government and several regional governments

7 ss7cg1b SS7CG1b: Explain how governments determine citizen participation Autocratic Oligarchic Democratic

8 ss7cg1b Autocracy: One person possesses unlimited power
The citizen has little or no role in the government

9 ss7cg1b Oligarchy: Government ruled by a few
A small group exercises control The citizen has a very limited role

10 ss7cg1b Democracy: A government in which supreme power is vested with the people

11 ss7cg1c SS7CG1c: Describe the two predominant forms of democratic governments Parliamentary Presidential

12 ss7cg1c Parliamentary Democracy: Power is held by the legislature
Executive power may be held by a small group of legislators or by the office of the prime minister If there is a president, the office is elected by the legistalure

13 ss7cg1c Presidential Democracy:
President is constitutionally independent of the legislature The president is elected in a free election

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