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Follow up on Building a Network Associate Team in Your Office

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Presentation on theme: "Follow up on Building a Network Associate Team in Your Office"— Presentation transcript:

1 Follow up on . . . Building a Network Associate Team in Your Office

2 The message is . . . 2 2

3 Hiring is a Multi-Hurdle Event . . .
Focus on the FIRST hurdle and make sure it’s as low as possible so new recruits aren’t frightened away. It’s a mindset (BELIEVE that there’s a benefit to getting your Real Estate license) “Just get your license. You can figure out how you want to use it later.” Enroll in School Take & Pass State Exam Hire 3

4 Active Sales Associate
Network Associate/ Referral Associate Active Sales Associate Spare time or part-time Promote yourself as a Referral Associate Network (online and face2face) Hand out Referral Business cards Change signature to offer help in real estate Full-time sales Market yourself as a neighborhood specialist Engage in all the sales activities Come to weekly sales meetings Prospect daily Program: Monthly Referral- Generating Webinars Program: OnTrack, Fast Track and weekly sales meetings and training sessions 4 4

5 Give People Options and more People Join . . .
When you present the Network Associate option (the EASIEST possible option of the business), people are more OPEN to getting into school. When we have more people in school, you have a greater pool of talent from which you can recruit FULL TIME ASSOCIATES. 5

6 Referral-Generating Webinars
Janet Iveson hosts regularly scheduled Webinars: Trying different times, days of the week, and topics. 30 Minutes Give a tip, idea, dialogue – something to help them grow their referrals. Share successes Conduct a poll or 2 to get their feedback Raffle a prize To register for a webinar,

7 Referral-Generating Webinar Recap
Cash In on Your Referrals webinar covered Facebook and using your signature Dialogue & Tips webinar covered some key dialogue & tips including ordering and using business cards Resources & Tools webinar covered online resources and focused on getting the word out about the Tax Credit All recorded webinars posted for Referral Associates in Weichert U and for Managers in Best Practices. 66 Referral Associates have looked at the RECORDED webinars so far.

8 Referral-Generating Webinars
Next Webinar: Succeed with the online Referral Guidebook

9 Responses from the last Webinar
From: Annetta Jones The Webinar went really well.  It was my first.  The next time I will have some earphones though.   I wish I had samples of what a Weichert Referral Associates Business Card looks like when the agent does not work at any particular Weichert Office.   I guess I will just have to figure it out and be somewhat creative.  If you can give me some ideas Mary that would be wonderful!  Anyway that is my next mission.  I should have done that last year. I will also work on getting a signature done.

10 Responses from the last Webinar
I really enjoyed the webinar.  It was excellent to learn all of the tools available to the Referral Associates.  It was also good because you didn't have to sit for 2-3 hours.  Keep up the good work.  I will put the next session on my calendar. Kudos!!!!!! Anita B. Rowell Burlington, NJ 08016  Have you smiled at someone today?

11 Responses from the last Webinar
Hi Janet, My group was impressed with last night's webinar.  None of them had dialed in previously - and I believe that we'll continue to meet regularly to listen as a group and share ideas. Thanks for this great venue and the opportunity to use it as part of my business plan to increase my personal referrals. And - thanks for acknowledging our questions and comments on the webinar.  I'll share your response to the WRACI question with the group. Best regards, Jane Jane Asdal, Realtor, ABR (Morristown East Referral Coordinator)

12 Responses from the last Webinar
From: Fran Graffeo I had a great time last night.  So did my current associates and the referral folks who joined us.  This is a work in progress and I look forward to trying to get a larger turn out next time under the heading of  “monthly meeting and training for referral associates”   …… I did have a success.  One of my associates turned in a yellowball for Cynthia Wainwright.  I encouraged her to come last night and she did.  She will probably go to RE school and go into referral right after.  Thanks for all you do.

13 It’s Working . . . 33 Managers have called the Referral Company asking for their aligned Referral Associates so they can reconnect with them and invite them in. Reminding them of the opportunity with the tax credit is a great strategy right now. Referral Associates have been inquiring about what offices would be hosting the next webinar.

14 The message is . . .

15 Let’s make Referral Associates the Beginning…not the End.
We have an opportunity to have ANYONE interested in real estate join us. Network Associate Active Sales Associate

16 Give People Options How many people do you speak to each week who have been downsized or are unemployed and are looking for a job? While they’re looking for a job, why not encourage them to get their real estate license and supplement themselves with referral income? This is a great way to TRY OUT real estate without committing to full time commission sales.

17 Give People Options and more People Join . . .
When you present the Network Associate option (the EASIEST possible option of the business), people are more OPEN to getting into school. When we have more people in school, you have a greater pool of talent from which you can recruit FULL TIME ASSOCIATES. 17

18 Hire Network Associates!

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