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District Secretary Cecilia Li

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Presentation on theme: "District Secretary Cecilia Li"— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-15 District Secretary Cecilia Li
Secretaries District Convention 2015 District Secretary Cecilia Li SECRETARIES


3 Seminar Objectives To train future CNH Distinguished Club Secretaries
To overview secretary duties and responsibilities To provide strategies to prepare you for the upcoming term

4 What is a Club Secretary?
Club Executive Officer Backbone of the club Important liaison between the members, division, & district A leader Let’s start with the basics: What is a Club Secretary?

5 Duties

6 Weekly Attend all club and board meetings Record meeting minutes
Keep organized club records

7 Attend Kiwanis meetings
Attend club & division events Communicate with the members

8 Monthly Submit the Monthly Report Form (MRF) by the 5th of every month
to LTG, sponsoring Kiwanis club, Faculty Advisor(s), Region Advisor(s), and Club Board

9 Attend Division Council Meetings (DCM)
Key Club and Kiwanis Provide service hour record updates

10 Yearly Collaborate with club board to develop club goals
Collaborate with Treasurer to compile a club roster Complete the online Club Officer Information form Submit at beginning and end of term to ensure smooth transition between terms

11 Submit AAR Report to LTG Submit officer election results
Attend annual events OTC, RTC, Fall Rally, Conclave, DCON Submit AAR Report to LTG Submit officer election results Remain a Key Club member in good standing

12 Strive for District Tree recognition
Apply for Outstanding or Distinguished secretary recognition Assist the club with applications for contests Assist the incoming Club Secretary with transition

13 Reports

14 Monthly Report Form MRF Purpose: To maintain club records
Reflect, plan, improve To inform others on club activities Members, LTG, advisors & District To keep accurate, efficient club records

15 The Basics of the MRF Let’s start with the basics: What is a Club Secretary? Download from CNH CyberKey >> Secretary page View the Webinar

16 Monthly Activity Reports
Tabs: Roster Annual Report Project List Election Report Monthly Activity Reports Let’s start with the basics: What is a Club Secretary?

17 Submission By the 5th before 6:00 PM Send to: Club Board LTG
Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Faculty Advisors Regions Advisors Let’s start with the basics: What is a Club Secretary?

18 Minutes Purpose: To provide written record and proof of proper protocols and procedures during a meeting or hearing

19 To keep those not in attendance at the meeting properly informed of what items were discussed and what actions took place

20 Tips and Tricks Template Content Consistent Accessible actions taken
Announcements decisions made short and sweet Consistent Accessible

21 Template from CyberKey

22 Recognition

23 Recognition Purpose: To ensure that you are recognized for all the hard work you have performed on behalf of the members and the District To provide with positive reinforcement and appreciation from the District level

24 District Tree Award Secretaries who submit all MRF’s on-time
By the 5th of every month before 6:00 PM Automatic-entry contest Recorded by your LTG Recognized at DCON

25 Levels of Recognition Level 1: Appreciation Level 2: Outstanding
Submits the Secretary Checklist Level 2: Outstanding Checklist Level 3: Distinguished Highest level of honor for a Club Secretary Checklist and E-Portfolio

26 Secretary Checklist updated each year with criteria
Three people verification system

27 Miscellaneous

28 Communication Consistency is KEY
Identify best forms of communication for members AND advisors Know school policies Use more than one form of communication Be consistent

29 Members Club Board Advisors You are serving them
Maintain strong relations Healthy Club Advisors Resource Club knowledge Organization knowledge

30 LTG Other Secretaries All questions should be directed to the LTG
If the LTG does not know the answer, he/she will find out Contact him/her by Other Secretaries No one understands you like other Secretaries! Reach out to them Utilize the CNH Secretary Reflector:

31 Organization Recording service hours: Timely Project Sheets
Record hours immediately after event Project Sheets Make sign-in/sign-out sheets for events Electronic records Create Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets Member Logs Keep their own logs and submit them to you Post updates on a regular basis

32 Files keep track of EVERYTHING for the term Board Meeting Agendas
Club Meeting Agendas DCM Agendas Minutes Committee Reports Project Reports Division Events Members’ Service Hours And more

33 You are responsible for record-keeping for the entire club
Always keep your files backed up and easily accessible

34 Resources: Websites Your home club’s website

35 People Board members Lt. Governor Division Leadership Team
Other Club Secretaries District Secretary Faculty Advisor Kiwanis Advisor Region Advisor

36 Manuals: Both found on CyberKey Secretary’s Manual Twice a year
Beginning of Term by Secretary Mid-Term by Secretary MRF Manual Annually

37 ? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!

38 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. District Secretary Willy Hoang District Secretary Breigh Dang District Secretary Lloyd Chen District Secretary Amanda Redublo District Secretary Cecilia Li

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