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Safeguarding Update Summer Term 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Safeguarding Update Summer Term 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safeguarding Update Summer Term 2018
Safeguarding Training Safeguarding Update Summer Term 2018 Key areas of concern at Ranelagh Student update Local updates: County Lines / Modern Slavery Child protection and safeguarding procedures at Ranelagh School

2 Ranelagh context - key areas of concern
Safeguarding Training Ranelagh context - key areas of concern Anxiety and depression – increase in numbers presenting with issues Waiting list for counselling, lack of external agency support Self-harm numbers have increased in Y8 and Y9 last term Currently 4 students on CIN plans None on CP plans

3 Safeguarding updates from the local authority
Safeguarding Training Safeguarding updates from the local authority December 2017 consultation on Keeping Children Safe in Education New guidance to be released in September 2018 will include: Each student should have more than 1 emergency contact ‘Homestays’ in the UK, adults should be DBS checked Further guidance on physical interventions for SEND students School’s CP policy should reflect local circumstances Role of deputy DSL should be included in job description Updated guidance on county lines, honour based violence, sexual violence and harassment between children

4 County Lines – Modern Slavery
Safeguarding Training County Lines – Modern Slavery ‘County Lines’ is the term used to describe the approach taken by organised criminal networks originating from large urban areas, who travel to locations elsewhere such as county or coastal towns to sell class A drugs. A conservative estimate suggests that there are 900+ county lines currently in operation across the UK Estimated that between £3,000 and £6,000 worth of drugs is being sold daily through these lines, using £10 burner phones In Bracknell there are around dealers operating business every day Gangs typically recruit and exploit children and vulnerable young people to courier drugs and cash Users ask for drugs via a mobile phone line used by the gang, children transport them Children as young as 12 years old are used to courier drugs

5 County Lines – Modern Slavery
Safeguarding Training County Lines – Modern Slavery Gangs recruit children and young people through deception, intimidation, violence, debt bondage and/or grooming They specifically target vulnerable teenagers and their siblings because they are easier to intimidate Children in care and who have been excluded are particularly vulnerable targets Gangs use local property as a base for their activities Known as ‘Cuckooing’, this involves them taking over a home of a vulnerable adult who is unable to challenge them Properties in Mount Pleasant and Jubilee Court have been used for this purpose Gangs deliberately hang around outside of schools to recruit children Snap Chat and Instagram are used to groom children – same process as CSE

6 County Lines – Modern Slavery
Safeguarding Training County Lines – Modern Slavery

7 County Lines – Modern Slavery
Safeguarding Training County Lines – Modern Slavery

8 County Lines – Modern Slavery
Safeguarding Training County Lines – Modern Slavery Key Terms: Bando abandoned building where users go to take drugs, children deliver them there Elder person at the top of the organised crime network who will have recruited them into the group Enforcer person who runs the local drugs selling operation, will use extreme violence and intimidation to groom vulnerable young people into their gang Going country going to sell drugs in non-urban areas, young person’s description of county lines Instabeef calling out enemies online Runner young person, often caught in debt bondage, who is the courier for the drugs Strip street corner Trap house hotel where money and drugs come into

9 Safeguarding Training
Signs to look out for Persistently going missing from school or home and / or being found out-of-area; Unexplained acquisition of money, clothes, mobile phones or gifts Excessive receipt of texts / phone calls Relationships with controlling / older individuals or groups Leaving home / care without explanation Suspicion of physical assault / unexplained injuries Parental concerns Carrying weapons Significant decline in school results / performance Gang association or isolation from peers or social networks Self-harm or significant changes in emotional well-being

10 County Lines – Modern Slavery
Safeguarding Training County Lines – Modern Slavery Duty teams – be vigilant at the back of school and report any suspicious behaviour immediately to DSL / reception All staff to remain vigilant and report any concerns immediately to DSL Gangs fill the gaps of what is missing in a young person’s life Our aim – be that missing gap by listening to them and being alert to signs and indicators

11 Useful resources Government Guidance County Lines ITV News
Safeguarding Training Useful resources Government Guidance County Lines ITV News Britain's teenage drug runners: Gangs in the countryside St Giles Trust 7 page guidance from Gov. Please have a read. Will leave copies in staff room, look on website 45 min documentary on BBC3 explains in detail issue of CL SGT charity working with young people to improve lives

12 CP and Safeguarding Procedures at Ranelagh
Safeguarding Training CP and Safeguarding Procedures at Ranelagh Collect information available to you on the Safeguarding Log Form Discuss with the Designated Lead for Child Protection (Helen Starr/Mark Williams) You can also consult with Social Services for advice – or contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH Team) – Out of Hour Duty Team (5pm-9am/weekends)

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