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Rise of Christianity.

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1 Rise of Christianity

2 Judea Romans conquered Judea Zealots wanted to revolt against Rome
Excused Jews from worshipping Roman gods Zealots wanted to revolt against Rome Messiah would soon appear to lead to freedom

3 Rebellion Jewish rebellion defeated Roman armies leveled Jerusalem
Jews killed and enslaved Jews decided to leave Judea

4 Main Book Bible Old and New Testament
Gospels= first 4 books of New Testament Matthew Mark Luke John Tell about Jesus

5 Jesus Son of God Life documented in the Gospels Son of Mary and Joseph
Descendant of King David of Israel Life documented in the Gospels

6 Apostle Follower of Jesus 12 of Jesus’ disciples (close followers)
Went with Jesus to Jerusalem to spread the message of God’s word

7 Dangerous troublemaker?
Welcomed by some Priests thought he challenged their leadership Revolutionary to Roman authorities Betrayed by one of his disciples Condemned to death by crucifixion

8 Beliefs Ten Commandments
Anyone that believes in him will have salvation (eternal life in heaven) Love God, your neighbor and your enemy

9 Paul Originally persecutor of Christians
Converted to Christianity Spread God’s word all around the Mediterranean Letters became part of New Testament

10 Martyr Person willing to die for his/her religious beliefs
Roman persecution Met in secret Peter and Paul were martyrs

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