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Presentation 2: Group 3 Expiriment

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1 Presentation 2: Group 3 Expiriment
Presentation By: Daniel Diaz Daniel Diaz Ashley keen Kim Pearson Daniel Quiles Daniel Cristancho

2 Number of Original Zoox
We began by using a microscope to count and get an average of Zoox per Box. (15.4) With our average we plugged it into the formula that was given. We found that for every mL of solution we had 385,000 zoox Multiply that number by 2 to get the amount for a 2 mL soln. and we got a total of 7,700,000 zoox

3 Our Zoox Picture

4 Concentration and Absorption Charts
Trial 1 Conc. Abs. .25 .454 .50 .655 .75 1.557 1.00 1.597 1.25 1.670 Homogenized Trial 2 Conc. Abs. .25 .390 .50 .712 .75 1.497 1.00 1.569 1.25 1.636 Homogenized 1.905

5 Protein Standard Curve

6 mg protein/g of polyp We made a working curve using our absorbance and concentrations of the different solutions. We plugged our homogenized absorbance (1.8675) into the equation we got from the graph We found that there was a total of mg of protein/g of polyp

7 Mg Chlorophyll/106 Zoox To find the Mg of chlorophyll we used the formula that was given in the lab packet We found that there were .032 Mg chlorophyll/ 106 zoox Wavelength(nm) Abs. 665 .018 647 .009 630 .027

8 Our Experiment My group and I will be simulating the effects of run off on the coral reef. We will be adding about 25ppm of KNO3 once a week and monitoring the nitrate levels as well as the progress of our aiptasia Our initial nitrate level was at 0ppm once we added .586g of KNO3 it went up to 25ppm

9 Our Predictions Because there is such a need for nutrients in the ocean we believe that the nitrate we add will be absorbed right away by the aptasia. We also think that the water will most likely become foggy and not as clear because of the growing algae feeding off of the new source of nutrients in the water. In turn, this will cause less light to pass through the water for the corals to use for calcification and cause the coral to bleach

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