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Part 4: Forces On Earth’s Surface

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1 Part 4: Forces On Earth’s Surface
What is this landmark and where is it located?

2 A. Wearing Away Earth’s Surface
Weathering – process that breaks rocks down into tiny pieces. Two types of Weathering Chemical Weathering – acids in rainwater dissolve rock Mechanical Weathering – moving water, ice, and wind break rocks into tiny pieces.

3 creates soil by combining rock and decayed plant and animal material
erosion occurs when water, ice , or wind removes small pieces of rock


5 B. Shaping Landforms Weathering and Erosion are responsible for shaping the Earth. includes the formation of Mountains and Hills Mountains are wide at the bottom and rise steeply to a point Landform Region – area where a certain type of landform is dominant


7 Can you think of any reasons why the Rocky Mountains are much taller than the Appalachian Mountains today?

8 After years of weathering and erosion, the parts of mountains left behind are extremely hard to wear away Millions of years ago the Appalachian Mountains were as high as the Rocky Mountains Rain, snow, and wind wore them down to much lower peaks

9 C. Rebuilding Earth’s Surface
Water, ice, and win remove or erode material and deposit it in another place. This material forms new landforms such as sandy beaches. This process is known as Deposition. Plains – large areas of flat land that are formed by the deposition of materials carried down rivers. Deposition on the ocean floor can create new land.

10 Review: What are the two types of weathering? Answer: chemical and mechanical An area where a certain landform is dominant is called a _____? Answer: Landform Region 3. When material is eroded and carried to a new place, this process is called ____? Answer: deposition

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