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Erosion and Deposition from Water

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Presentation on theme: "Erosion and Deposition from Water"— Presentation transcript:

1 Erosion and Deposition from Water

2 Canyon and Valley Created by the flow of water through streams and rivers. Caused by erosion. Water moves, erodes rock, carries away sediment, and cuts through remaining rock.

3 Floodplains Layers of sediment deposited on flat land after flooding.
Created by deposition.

4 Delta and Alluvial Fans
Delta: streams deposit sediment in fan shape at their mouth Created by deposition. Alluvial Fan: streams from mountain or hill deposit sediment on dry land Both: water flow slows, sediment gets deposited, over time new land forms

5 Shorelines and Beaches
Shoreline: the place where land and a body of water meet Caused by erosion and deposition. Beach: area of shoreline make up of materials deposited by waves and currents Caused by deposition.

6 Meanders and Oxbow Lakes
Meander: curves and bends that form a twisting looping pattern in a river or stream Oxbow Lake: cut off meander that forms a crescent shaped lake Both created by erosion and deposition.

7 Sandbar and Barrier Islands
Sandbar: underwater or exposed ridge of sand, gravel, and shell materials Caused by deposition. Barrier Island: long, narrow island forms parallel to shoreline Created by deposition.

8 Sinkholes Sinkhole: rock beneath the surface is eroded away and top layers of material collapse Created by erosion.

9 Sea Cliffs and Headlands
Sea Cliffs: waves erode and undercut rocks to form steep cliffs Created by erosion. Headlands: pieces of land that project into the water

10 Sea Caves, Arches, and Stacks







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