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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

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Presentation on theme: "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

2 Today Recap of last reading Reading Strategy
Themes/Topics up to this point

3 Recap Where are we in the story? Junior has transferred to Reardan.
He has meet some new students. Penelope Roger the Giant What have we learned? Racism is common Different rules for fighting

4 Reading Strategies Use context clues to help understand unfamiliar words Check for understanding – ask yourself: what did I just read? What happened? What characters were mentioned. If you can’t answer these questions you may need to reread Check for key ideas – is what you read important to the story and to the characters

5 Themes/Topics We spoke about poverty and being unable to overcome poverty is a theme in the first quarter of this book. What other topics/themes start to come up in this novel?

6 Florida State

7 Racism/Stereotypes – Writer’s Notebook
Complete a close read of the NCAA article then answer the following: Does using Native American images and names in professional, collegiate, and high school sports teams reinforce and perpetuate* stereotypes? *spread, continue, preserve, prolong

8 Native American reaction to sports teams logos.

9 Writer’s Notebook In your writer’s notebook, write about any time you feel you have been stereotyped, or perhaps a time you have stereotyped others. Think-Pair-Share In your groups discuss your thoughts about this WN entry. How do you think Junior felt about Reardan’s mascot? Does the use of mascots have negative consequences or are they harmless graphics that honor Native Americans?

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