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InfoDay 2013 ENV Calls in FP7 11 June 2012

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1 InfoDay 2013 ENV Calls in FP7 11 June 2012
6.3-Resource efficiency Turning waste into a resource through innovative technologies, processes and services

2 António Viana da Fonseca
Associate Professor E:mail: Geotechnical laboratory Department of Civil Engineering University of Porto ( Portugal

3 ECOSOIL – Alkaline activation of industrial waste for soil improvement
to use industrial waste like fly ash to improve the local soil without C02 Why? Alkaline activation of fly ash creating a cemented matrix that involves the soil How? What for? Ground improvement Deep Superficial Jet-Grouting Deep Mixing Method Transport platforms

Production Advanced characterisation of the composite material Development of cost-effective mechanical tool for in-situ mixing/deposition/compaction Development of numerical FE code for geotechnical systems Construction and monitoring of full scale geotechnical system prototypes IMPLEMENTATION Development of Design Tools LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Dissemination and exploitation Environmental impact Durability Material characterisation Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja, Spain University of Napoli, Italy University of Porto, Portugal Rodio, Portugal Tecnoin, Italy Element testing University of Newcastle, UK University of Bristol, UK University of Porto, Portugal Constitutive modelling University of Bristol, UK

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