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Norman Rockwell Project

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1 Norman Rockwell Project

2 Norman Rockwell Project
Save your work to: RM101 folder Comp. Tech Class Class period create a new folder for yourself DIRECTIONS

3 Norman Rockwell Project
1.Google Norman Rockwell 2. Find all paintings done by him 3. Click on the image that you like the most 4. Open up a PowerPoint presentation 5. Copy and paste the picture on to slide #1 6. Don’t forget to copy and paste the site in which you are borrowing the picture from Step #1

4 Norman Rockwell Project
You are going to write a creative story about this picture Type on slide #2 Who (who is in this picture?) What (What is going on in this picture?) What happened before this picture? Where (Where does your story take place?) When (When does your story take place?) Why? (up for own intrepretations) Step #2

5 Norman Rockwell Project
Your story can be as long as you want It must be at least two slides If you want more- GO FOR IT!! Slide #1 = Title of the story with the picture Slide #2= the short story you wrote and the picture Step #3

This time next year

7 This time next year “Stand as straight and as tall as possible. I know I have grown, I just know it. Almost done- there! Oh hush Lucky, I want to know just as much too.” I remember taking a few steps back away from that sour green wall; my heart racing as fast as horses would around a track. I stared at that wall the way I used to look down the stairs for Santa’s presents. “I only need to grow a couple of inches to play football with my brother Jimmy. I don’t want to sit on the side lines again this year.” I squinted hoping that I the numbers were wrong, my shoulders dropped and I began to cry. I instantly swooped up my only best friend in the world, “This time next year Lucky, you’ll see, I’ll show them and Jimmy what I can do.”

8 Checklist SLIDE #1 There is a picture on my first slide
There is a title on my first slide I added a picture style to my picture I used at most 2 fonts SLIDE #2 There is a picture on my second slide There is my short story on the second slide My story is not shorter than a paragraph I used at most 2 fonts

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