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UNIVERSITY OF VALLADOLID. University of Valladolid Founded in the 13th Century.

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8 University of Valladolid Founded in the 13th Century


10 Campus of Valladolid Campus of Valladolid Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Faculty of Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Law Faculty of Law Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Economics and Business Faculty of Economics and Business Faculty of Education and Social Work Faculty of Education and Social Work Higher Tech. College of Architecture Higher Tech. College of Architecture College of Industrial Engineering College of Industrial Engineering Higher Tech. College of Computer Engineering Higher Tech. College of Computer Engineering Higher Tech. College of Telecommunications Higher Tech. College of Telecommunications University College of Business University College of Business University College of Nursing University College of Nursing

11 UNIVERSITY OF VALLADOLID Campus of Palencia Campus of Palencia Faculty of Labour Sciences Faculty of Labour Sciences University College of Education University College of Education Higher Tech. Col. of Agricultural Engineering Higher Tech. Col. of Agricultural Engineering

12 UNIVERSITY OF VALLADOLID Campus of Segovia Campus of Segovia Faculty of Social, Legal and Comm. Sciences Faculty of Social, Legal and Comm. Sciences N. Señora Fuencisla Teacher Training Col. N. Señora Fuencisla Teacher Training Col. University Col. of Computer Science University Col. of Computer Science Campus of Soria Campus of Soria Faculty of Translation and Interpreting Faculty of Translation and Interpreting University College of Physiotherapy University College of Physiotherapy University Col. of Agricultural Engineering University Col. of Agricultural Engineering University College of Education University College of Education University School of Business University School of Business Dr. Sala de Pablo Univ. Col. of Nursing Dr. Sala de Pablo Univ. Col. of Nursing

13 How to get to Valladolid By plane – Valladolid airport connection with London-Paris-Brussels- Barcelona – Madrid airport – connections with most countries in the world. Transport from Madrid airport to Valladolid – Metro from airport to Chamartín train station or to Méndez Álvaro bus station - see – Trains (about 1 hour) - see – Buses every hour at.30 (about 2.45h) - see

14 Welcome Week A Welcome Week is organized between 13th-19th September for international students Cost: about 180 Registration at: s/welcome.asp s/welcome.asp

15 Academic Calendar 2009/2010 (not fixed yet for 2010/2011) 1st Term: 28th September – 28th January Exams between 25th Jan – 14th Feb 2nd Term: 15th February – 6th June Exams between 7th – 30th June

16 Orientation Day Practical information is provided related to accommodation – police formalities, enrollment procedures, Spanish courses, registration… 2 orientation days: 1st Semester: late September 2nd Semester: mid February

17 Spanish Mark System The Spanish marks system is based on a scale from 0 to 10 as follows: 0,0 - 4,9 Suspenso(SS)D Failure 5,0 - 6,9 Aprobado(AP)C Good 7,0 - 8,9 Notable(NT)B Very Good 9,0 - 10 Sobresaliente(SB)A Excellent 9,0 - 10 Matrícula de HonorExcellent with Honours * * Maximun 5% of the students in each course. Should the course have less than 20 students, one Matrícula de Honor may be awarded.

18 Spanish Language Courses (information of 2009/10) September Course (40 hours) – From 31st August till 25th September,2009 10 hours a week. Fees: 236 October-December Course (45 hours) – From 19th October till 18th December, 2009 5 hours a week. Fees: 266 March-May Course (45 hours) – From 1st March till 14th May, 2010 4/5 hours a weekFees: 266

19 Accommodation Permanent Accommodation Different options of permanent accommodation are offered: a) Individual room in a students flat, sharing kitchen, living room and bathroom. The approximate cost for a room is 220/month. Students usually have to play a one month deposit. b) University Residences offer single or double rooms with or without bathroom. The cost can be approximately 300 per person a month without meals or about 550 a month including all meals. Payment is made monthly. c) Accommodation with a Spanish family: including an individual room an all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will cost approximately 650 per month.

20 University Canteens The University has canteens at the Alfonso VIII University Residence and the Cardenal Mendoza University Apartments; Lunch costs approximately 5. All the Faculties and Schools of the University of Valladolid have their own cafeteria.

21 Facilities and activities – Libraries – Sports facilities – University Musical Group – University Choir – University Youth Orchestra – University Tunas – Theater Group – Theology Group – University Mountain Group – University Computing Group – ESN (Erasmus Student Network)


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