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Summarize the events of the Crusades

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1 Summarize the events of the Crusades
4/13/2018 Goal: Summarize the events of the Crusades Warm Up: Answer: Why is Jerusalem considered holy for the Jews, the Muslims, and Christians?

2 The Crusades Start at 3:21 Unami 1 Teacher “Let the warriors get ready and find what they need to pay for the journey. When the spring comes let them leave in good spirit under the banner of the Lord.” Brain Pop

3 Why might people fight over this city?
What do you think makes this an important or special city? How is the area on the map divided?

4 What claims do each religion make to the City?
Jerusalem: The Holy City: What claims do each religion make to the City?

5 The Western Wall, Jerusalem:
a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded the Jewish Temple; this area, as well as Jerusalem itself, is considered the Jew’s homeland

6 Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem:
where Muslims believe Muhammad had his Night Journey

7 Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem:
Believed to be located at the place where Jesus was crucified and buried

8 Call for the Crusades Pope Urban II’s
“Beloved brothers, I speak as a messenger to reveal to you God’s will... “ Pope Urban II’s Call for the Crusades

9 Pope Urban II’s Call for the Crusades
“Beloved brothers, I speak as a messenger to reveal to you God’s will. We cannot refuse at once to give the help we have promised to our brothers in the East. They now need it desperately. The Turks and Arabs have attacked them and advanced into Romania… … They have beaten the Christians seven times in battle, have killed and captured a large number of them, have wrecked their churches and laid waste to their land. If we do not go to help, the true servants of God in the East will not be able to survive. I therefore urge and beg you who are the voices of Christ, both rich and poor, to drive the foul vermin (pests) from the lands where your Christian brothers live and to bring speedy help to the worshippers of Christ … Promise your support without delay. Let the warriors get ready and find what they need to pay for the journey. When the spring comes let them leave in good spirit under the banner of the Lord.” Pope Urban II’s Call for the Crusades

10 Pope Urban II’s Possible Motives (reasons) for Calling the 1st Crusade
Assert the supremacy of the Pope over the Byzantine Emperor as the leader of all Christians. Bring an end to the constant feudal warfare between Christians in Europe by redirecting their violence toward the Muslims in the Holy Land. Rescue and protect the "Holy Land" - land associated with the life of Jesus Christ, the major prophet of Christianity. Increase the power and prestige of the Roman Catholic Church and the power of the Pope. Re-establish safe and unhindered access to the holy city of Jerusalem for the thousands of Christian pilgrims who travel there each year.

11 How did the Crusades begin?
The Crusades began because the Byzantine emperor needed help from the Pope to defend against Muslim attacks. There were 8 Crusades The main goal of the Crusades was to drive Muslims from the Holy Land and establish Christian control over it. Although the Crusades failed in their original mission, they accidentally allowed increasing trade and knowledge of other cultures. How did the Crusades begin? During the Middle Ages, the Byzantine Empire in the East came under a attack. The Seljuk (Sell-juke) Turks (Muslim invaders) advanced into Byzantine territory, in desperation the Byzantine emperor asked Pope Urban II for help. The pope called on Christians to go on a religious war to turn back the Muslim Turks and win control of Jerusalem and the surrounding area. Overview of The Crusades

12 Jigsaw Activity Divide stents into home groups and assign each member a crusade. Have students go into expert groups. Students will return to home groups and teach each other about the Crusade they are an expert on. Questions to answer: Who led this Crusade? When did this Crusade occur? What was the outcome? Quiz

13 The Third Crusade Later Crusades The First Crusade The Second Crusade
Summary of the Crusades The Third Crusade Events Leading Up to the Crusades & the Story of the Crusades Later Crusades The First Crusade The Second Crusade

14 Question to leave with?

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