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McCarthyism and Fear Mongering during the Cold War

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1 McCarthyism and Fear Mongering during the Cold War
The Red Scare McCarthyism and Fear Mongering during the Cold War

2 The Cold War 1947-1991 USA vs. USSR
Though both nations were not technically at war there was an animosity between them Both nations competed against each other in an arms race, which reached nuclear proportions (get it?) when the Soviets tested their first atomic bomb When the citizens of the USA heard of this, there was mass panic

3 Communism Essentially, on paper, communism sounds nice:
Everything is distributed equally to everyone (this means redistribution of wealth, land, etc.) No job or position is held above another But…everything is owned by the state No small or private businesses—all means of production are controlled by the state

4 Nuclear Bomb Threats The only way the Soviets could have the technology to develop such a bomb, would be if they got it from the United States Naturally, people assumed there were Communist spies feeing the USSR crucial information (of course, Soviet spies were doing this, but the distrust this inspired within the United States went beyond even this threat)

5 House Committee of Un-American Activities
The House Un-American Activities Committee Began a series of hearings designed to show that the U.S. would not tolerate this communist threat Forced hundreds out of their job through demands that they “renounce their left-wing ways” and turn in others with the same beliefs

6 Senator Joe McCarthy Corrupt Politician
Gets into office by exploiting the weakness of others To get re-elected, plays into the nation’s fear of Communist attack Works with the HUAC to do this

7 The Accused Hollywood Blacklist Political Accusations
McCarthy accused certain members of Hollywood of being Communists, after they were named, no one would hire them—often people accused others to deflect blame Political Accusations McCarthy reveals 205 names of government who are Communists, damaging 205 careers

8 Arthur Miller When approached by the HCAA, he refused to name “suspected” Communists He was held in contempt of court for refusing to give names Write The Crucible in protest of “McCarthyism” and the Red Scare

9 Read McCarthy’s Speech
When you are finished, write a small summary of the speech on the back respond to the questions After this, you may work on your Crucible journal, read independently, or review The Crucible

10 Question One How is The Crucible, written and published during the same time as these political events, a response to McCarthy’s actions and The Red Scare as a whole?

11 What does Arthur Miller accuse McCarthy of through his work?
Question Two What does Arthur Miller accuse McCarthy of through his work?

12 What character is McCarthy most similar to? Why?
Question Three What character is McCarthy most similar to? Why?

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