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Moral Decision Making.

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Presentation on theme: "Moral Decision Making."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moral Decision Making

2 How do you know if an action is right or wrong?

3 How do you know if an action is right or wrong?
When trying to assess whether an action (i.e. what you say or do) is right or wrong, you need to think about four things:

4 How do you know if an action is right or wrong?
The action itself: What do you want to do? You should try to do what is good and never harm the innocent. You must avoid intrinsically evil acts (i.e. acts that are always wrong in themselves). Q. What acts would you think are intrinsically evil?

5 How do you know if an action is right or wrong?
The intention in your mind: Why are you doing it? You should be motivated by a desire to help or do the right thing. However, you should not do something wrong in order to achieve something you think is right. A good intention cannot make something intrinsically evil good. This is the meaning of the saying, ‘The ends do not justify the means.’

6 How do you know if an action is right or wrong?
The circumstances at the time you do it: When, where and how should you do it? Is this the right thing to do here and now? Is there a better course of action that you should consider taking?

7 How do you know if an action is right or wrong?
The consequences it will have: Who will be affected by it and how will it affect them? Your motives should never be selfish. You should not only consider how this action will affect you, but also how it will affect other people and the world you share with them.

8 Think about the following scenarios…

9 What would you do? You have just completed a degree in engineering. You are offered a well paid job with a company that makes components for landmines. You know how much harm these weapons do. However, if you don’t take the job, someone else will. What would you do? Would you take the job? Explain your choice.

10 What would you do? A well-connected friend claims to have access to the upcoming Leaving Certificate Mathematics papers. You can know the questions in advance. You need the points to get a place on your preferred degree course. What would you do? Would you take her up on her offer of the examination paper? Explain your choice.

11 How can you be sure your making the right decision?


13 outcome of this scenario?
What do you think is the outcome of this scenario?


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