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T test.

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Presentation on theme: "T test."— Presentation transcript:

1 T test

2 Rationale What do we do when we want to compare two groups and the standard deviation of the population is not know?

3 Rationale Since the standard deviation of the population is unknown, we will use an estimate instead. One group

4 Rationale Since the standard deviation of the population is unknown, we will use an estimate instead. Two independent groups

5 Rationale Since the standard deviation of the population is unknown, we will use an estimate instead. Note: If n1 = n2, then the equation can be simplified

6 Rationale Since the standard deviation of the population is unknown, we will use an estimate instead. Two independent groups

7 Student T distribution

8 Student T distribution

9 Example (independent groups)

10 Example (independent groups)
General Linear Model (correlation) Group 1 Group 2 The idea is to construct an independent variable that is going to identify to which group a given participant belongs to. Ex1: 1 = first group and 0 = second group Ex2: 1 = first group and -1 = second group

11 Example (independent groups)
1 = first group and -1 = second group

12 Example (independent groups)
General Linear Model (correlation) Therefore, the t test is a special case of correlation (regression)

13 Power

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