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luc, lum, lun = light Words lucid - clear elucidate - enlighten

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Presentation on theme: "luc, lum, lun = light Words lucid - clear elucidate - enlighten"— Presentation transcript:

1 luc, lum, lun = light Words lucid - clear elucidate - enlighten
translucent – allowing some light to pass through lunar - relating to the moon luminary - characterized by light

2 magn = great Words magnify - enlarge
magnanimity – generosity, greatness of soul magnitude – greatness of size, importance magnate – a rich and powerful person

3 mal = bad Words malevolent – harmful or evil
malediction – a curse, slander malefactor – evil-doer malign – to criticize someone spitefully malignant - harmful

4 mori, mort = to die Words mortuary – place for dead bodies
moribund - dying immortal – never dying, famous mortal – human, eventually dying

5 morph = shape, form Words amorphous – formless, lacking shape
metamorphosis – change of shape anthropomorphic - human characteristics given to nonhumans morph – transform from one image to another

6 mut = change Words mutate – undergo a great change
mutable - changeable immutable – not changeable mutability – changeableness, inconstancy

7 nat, nasc = born Words innate – present from birth
prenatal – before birth nativity – birth or origin renaissance – classical rebirth nascent - beginning to develop

8 neg = deny Words negate – invalidate something
negation – denial, negative of something renege – deny, go back on one’s word renegade - traitor

9 nov = new Words novice - beginner novel – new and different
renovate – make new novelty – new thing or experience nova - star that shines then fades

10 omni = all, every Words omniscient – all knowing
omnipotent – all powerful omnivorous – eating everything omnipresent – always present everywhere

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