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Day 21: October 21, 2013 Design Space Exploration

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1 Day 21: October 21, 2013 Design Space Exploration
ESE370: Circuit-Level Modeling, Design, and Optimization for Digital Systems Day 21: October 21, 2013 Design Space Exploration Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

2 Today Example to discuss and illustrate design space
You will want to be exploring design space for Project 1 Chance to talk about trends Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

3 Design Problem Identify equivalence of two 32b inputs
Minimize Total Energy Assume match case uncommon Most of the time, it won’t be matched Deliberately focus on Energy to complement project Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

4 Idea: Design Space Explore
Identify options All the knobs you can turn Explore space systematically Formulate continuum where possible Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

5 Problem Solvable First, make sure we have a solution
…so we know our main goal is optimization What look like built out of nand2 gates? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

6 Total Power Ptot ≈ a(½Cload+Csc)V2f+VI’s(W/L)e-Vt/(nkT/q)
+PlowV2/Rpon +(1-Plow)VI’s(W/L)e-Vt/(nkT/q) What can we do to reduce power? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

7 Knobs What are the options and knobs we can turn?
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

8 Design Space Dimensions
Vdd Topology Gate choice, logical optimization Fanin, fanout, Serial vs. parallel Sizing Gate style / logic family CMOS, Ratioed (N load, P load) Vth Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

9 S D Equations Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

10 Reduce Vdd What happens as reduce V? Energy? Switching Delay? Dynamic
Static Switching Delay? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

11 Old Reduce V (no vsat) tgd=Q/I=(CV)/I tgd impact? tgd α 1/V
Id=(mCOX/2)(W/L)(Vgs-VTH)2 tgd impact? tgd α 1/V Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

12 Reduce V (velocity saturation)
tgd=Q/I=(CV)/I Ids=(nsatCOX)(W)(Vgs-VTH-VDSAT/2) Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

13 How Reduce Short-Circuit Power?
Psc = aCscV2 f Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

14 Vdd How low can we push Vdd? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

15 Gate What gates might we build? High fanin? Serial-Parallel?
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

16 Sizing How do we want to size gates? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

17 Logic Family Considerations for each logic family? CMOS
Ratioed with PMOS load Ratioed with NMOS load Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

18 Increase Vth? What is impact of increasing threshold on
Dynamic Energy? Leakage Energy? Delay? Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

19 Increase Vth tgd=Q/I=(CV)/I Ids=(nsatCOX)(W)(Vgs-VTH-VDSAT/2)
Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

20 Ideas We know many things can do to our circuits Design space is large
Systematically identify dimensions Identify continuum tuning when possible Watch tradeoffs Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

21 Admin Project Should have simulated baseline
List of optimizations to try If don’t have list talk with Spencer or André during office hours Milestone is a bare minimum Really should be into exploring options this week Penn ESE370 Fall DeHon

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