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Disease and Disease-Producing Organisms

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1 Disease and Disease-Producing Organisms
Chapter 5 Disease and Disease-Producing Organisms

2 Disease Abnormality of structure or function of part, organ, or system
Felt or observed by others Known or unknown cause Variable severity of effects

3 Categories of Disease Infection Degenerative diseases
Nutritional diseases Metabolic disorders Immune disorders Neoplasms Psychiatric disorders

4 Predisposing Causes of Disease
Age Gender Heredity Living conditions Emotional disturbance Physical and chemical damage “Occupational” diseases Preexisting illness

5 Checkpoint 5-1: What is disease?
Checkpoint 5-2: What is the definition of a predisposing cause of disease?

6 The Study of Disease Relationship between the pathologic and physiologic processes of medical disorders

7 Disease Terminology Etiology Incidence Classification Acute Chronic

8 Checkpoint 5-3: What two medical sciences are involved in any study of disease?
Checkpoint 5-4: What is a communicable disease?

9 Treatment and Prevention of Disease
Diagnosis Symptoms Signs Syndrome Prognosis Therapy

10 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Naturopathy Chiropractic Acupuncture Biofeedback Exercise, massage, yoga, meditation, etc.

11 Prevention of Disease Seeks to stop disease before it actually happens
Keep people well through promotion of health

12 Checkpoint 5-5: A physician uses signs and symptoms to identify an illness. What is this identification called?

13 Infectious Disease Invasion of the body by disease-producing microorganisms

14 Modes of Transmission From infected human, insect, or animal host to another susceptible host Through direct or indirect contact

15 Portals of Entry and Exit
Skin Respiratory tract Digestive system Urinary and reproductive systems

16 Checkpoint 5-6: What is the relationship between a parasite and a host?
Checkpoint 5-7: What term describes any disease-causing organism? Checkpoint 5-8: What are some portals of entry and exit for microorganisms?

17 Microbiology – The Study of Microscopic Organisms
Bacteria (bacteriology) Viruses (virology) Fungi (mycology) Protozoa (protozoology) Algae (algology)

18 Normal Flora Population of microorganisms that normally grows on and within the human body

19 Checkpoint 5-9: What are the categories of organisms studied in microbiology?
Checkpoint 5-10: What term refers to the microorganisms that normally live in or on the body?

20 Bacteria Single-celled organisms Lack a true nucleus Found everywhere
Anaerobic Aerobic Facultative anaerobes

21 Checkpoint 5-11: What are resistant forms of bacteria called?

22 Shape and Arrangement of Bacteria
Cocci Round Bacilli Short, slender rods Vibrios Short rods with a slight curvature Spirilla Long wavelike cells resembling a corkscrew Spirochetes Long wavelike cells capable of waving and twisting motions

23 Cocci, round bacteria (Gram stained).
ZOOMING IN • What word describes the shape and arrangement of the cells in D?

24 Bacilli, rod-shaped bacteria.

25 Curved rods. ZOOMING IN • What feature indicates that the cells in A are capable of movement?

26 Other Bacteria Rickettsia Chlamydia

27 Naming Bacteria Genus name: Capitalized and italic species name: lowercase and italic EXAMPLE: Escherichia coli or E. coli

28 Checkpoint 5-12: What are the three basic shapes of bacteria?

29 Viruses Extremely small microorganisms
Composed of a core of nucleic acid surrounded by a coat of proteins Grow only within living cells

30 Virus size comparison.

31 Infectious Agents Smaller than Viruses
Prions Composed solely of protein Viroids Composed solely of RNA, no protein coat

32 Checkpoint 5-13: How do viruses differ from bacteria?

33 Fungi Large group of simple plantlike organisms, few are pathogenic
Yeasts Single-celled forms of fungi Molds Fuzzy, filamentous forms of fungi

34 Protozoa Animal-like, single-celled microbes found all over the world
Amebas Ciliates Flagellates Sporozoa

35 Some parasitic protozoa
Some parasitic protozoa. ZOOMING IN • Why are the parasites in E described as intracellular? What is the role of the vectors shown in C and E?

36 Checkpoint 5-14: What group of microorganisms is most animal-like?

37 Parasitic Worms Parasites with human hosts, also called helminths
Helminthology The study of parasitic worms.

38 Roundworms Ascaris Pinworms Hookworms Trichina (trichinosis)
Filaria worm (filariasis, elephantiasis)

39 Common parasitic roundworms..
ZOOMING IN • What kind of muscle tissue is shown in B?

40 Flatworms Ribbonlike or leaf shaped Tapeworms Flukes

41 Checkpoint 5-15: What is the study of worms called?

42 Microbial Control Increase in world population
Disruption of animal habitats Increased travel (SARS) Opportunistic infections Changes in food handling

43 Microbes and Public Health
Sewage and garbage disposal Purification of water supplies Prevention of food contamination Milk pasteurization

44 Aseptic Methods Sterilization Disinfection Antisepsis

45 Infection Control Techniques
Universal precautions Handwashing OSHA

46 Checkpoint 5-16: Aseptic practices are intended to eliminate pathogens
Checkpoint 5-16: Aseptic practices are intended to eliminate pathogens. What are the three levels of asepsis? Checkpoint 5-17: What is the single most important measure for preventing the spread of infection?

47 Antimicrobial Agents Antibiotics (antibacterial agents)
Antiviral agents

48 Checkpoint 5-18: What is an antibiotic?

49 Laboratory Identification of Pathogens
Obtain and label specimens from patients Grow out bacterial cells Isolate individual organisms Multiply to form colonies Stain cells so they can be seen Perform tests to identify organisms

50 Other Methods of Identification
Growth characteristics in liquid and solid media Oxygen requirements Ability of bacteria to utilize various carbohydrates Reaction to various chemicals Serologic (immunologic) tests

51 Checkpoint 5-19: One way of identifying microorganisms is to examine them under a microscope. Before examination, the cells are colored so they can be seen. What are the dyes used to color the cells called?

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