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Farm Life in Williamsburg

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1 Farm Life in Williamsburg
All pictures in this slideshow are my own, and were taken in Colonial Williamsburg’s Great Hopes plantation on September 29th, 2013.

2 This is an example of a farm garden, where some of the plants (most likely produce and herbs) would be grown.

3 The farm well, used to retrieve water, with the slave quarters in the background.

4 Inside the slave quarters; this slave’s house would have actually been the farmer’s original house until a bigger one was built.

5 Livestock, for production and eventually for consumption.
The Dominique Chicken Livestock, for production and eventually for consumption.

6 Fields for planting in the foreground, with areas in which to hunt in the background.

7 Inside the farm kitchen
Inside the farm kitchen. The kitchen was a building of its own, with a full fireplace and worktable for meal preparation.

8 Inside the smokehouse (L to R): Curing meats; the smokehouse building itself; the smoke pit from which the smoke was created. The smoke would cure the raw meat, so it could be saved for later consumption.

9 Lumber with the saw pit. One person would stand in the pit, while another person would stand on the boards or ground above them . Each person would have part of a saw, and would work together to saw each piece of wood.

10 Horses were the principal type of transportation and were often raised on farms and in fields.

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