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Welcome to Kindergarten at GME

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten at GME"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten at GME

2 You are now a Grizzly! Wendy Briggs Principal Learner Benita Crombie
NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. You are now a Grizzly! Wendy Briggs Principal Learner Benita Crombie Vice Principal

3 School District 23 – Attributes of a Learner
A Thinker An Innovator A Collaborator A Contributor

4 All learners have the right to dignity, purpose and options.
GME Raison d’être All learners have the right to dignity, purpose and options.

5 GME …a Passion for Learning Together!

6 GME – Guiding Principles of Learning
1. Learners are at the center 2. Learning is a social practice that can’t happen alone. 3. Emotions are an integral part of learning. 4. Learners are different. 5. Learners need to be stretched, but not too much. 6. Assessment should be FOR learning. 7. Learning needs to be connected across disciplines.

7 Safety First Pick up and Drop off
Noon Hour Supervisors / Certified Education Assistants First-aid Room Sign In / Sign Out Criminal Record Checks-bring back to school from RCMP Fire, Earthquake, and Lock Down Drills Reinforce the Boundaries of the School (three walls and not in front) Introduction to the Playground Be Aware of ‘Bubble Wrapping’ and ‘Helicoptering’

8 Safe Routes to School Park and Walk Kiss and Drop
Drive through our neighborhood as if your child was walking on the sidewalk / road Respect our neighbours

9 Learning Expectations
Requires a foundation of social-emotional well-being Play-based learning Academic expectations are raised in second semester French Immersion (% of French)

10 Social-Emotional Development
Incredible Flexible You – Zones of Regulation Self-Regulation = Higher Academic Performance + Happiness

11 Communication and Trust
Seek first to understand, and then to be understood Listen for all sides of the story Communicate directly, honestly, and respectfully Trust in the people that care for your child (assume the best first) Remember we all want what is best for your child; we are on the same team Chain of communication: Teacher, Vice Principal or Principal, Director of Instruction, Superintendent, Board Chair

12 Our Team French Kindergarten Teachers French Learning Assistance
English Kindergarten Teachers English Learning Assistance Counselor Resource Teacher Speech and Language Pathologist Occupational Therapist Prep Teachers- FineArts/PE Librarian First Nations Advocate Certified Education Assistants

13 Parent Expectations Be respectful and mindful of all members of our school community (students, staff, and parents) Be involved in your child’s education Be informed about GME happenings ( Be proactive Be responsible and make sure your child is at school Be supportive of your child

14 First Days of School- to help you plan for the fall
Friday, August 31: Popsicle & Play (10:00 – 11:00) * Optional September 5, 6 & 7: 1 hour session (9am, 11am & 1pm) Monday, September 10: ½ day of class (9:00 – 11:00 & 12:00 – 2:00) Tuesday, September 11: ½ day of class (9:00 – 11:00 & 12:00 – 2:00) Wednesday, September 12: Full day of class

15 How to do we create classes?
Observe all the children playing and interacting with each other Create classes that are well-balanced and try to match the needs of each child with the unique teaching style of each teacher Consider students with special needs, learning challenges, government legislation, and the available resources In Kindergarten we do not take into consideration parent requests In grades 1 – 6, we do consider parent requests with respect to student learning styles and social concerns (not teacher preference); however, first and foremost, we consider the feedback from each teacher after a lengthy collaborative process involving all members of school staff This is where TRUST comes into the formula!

16 PAC Get involved! Volunteer in a class Attend PAC meetings
Join a PAC committee or initiative Hot Lunch Program…online order and payment

17 Details to consider Absences / Lates: please call the office
Lost and Found: please check regularly Label clothes Velcro shoes or work on tying laces this summer Healthy snacks and lunches that are easily opened School Supplies - $ payment Cultural Fees - $12…online payment

18 When you are feeling ill…who are you going to call?
NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. When you are feeling ill…who are you going to call?

19 NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.

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