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Unit 1 Ancient World: Civilizations and Religions 4,000 B.C.- A.D.500

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1 Unit 1 Ancient World: Civilizations and Religions 4,000 B.C.- A.D.500
Global History II Review

2 Early Peoples and River Civilizations
Hunters and Gatherers People who moved place to place in search of food Neolithic Revolution Development of Agriculture Planted crops and domestication of animals Settlement in villages New Technology Calendars, plows, wheel, metal weapons/ tools

3 Early Peoples and River Civilizations
The Rise of Civilization First civilizations developed in river valleys Characteristics Cities Art and Architecture Central Governments Transportation systems Traditional Economy System of writing Organized Religion Specialized workers Social class system

4 Early Peoples and River Civilizations
Egypt Nile River valley Polytheistic religion (belief in many gods) Process of mummification Medical advancements Mesopotamia (Iraq) Fertile Crescent (Tigris and Euphrates Rivers) Polytheistic religion Cuneiform- wedge-shaped form of writing Code of Hammurabi- system of laws (eye for an eye)

5 Early Peoples and River Civilizations
Indus River Valley (India) Monsoons Winds bring heavy rain to the region Planned cities Plumbing with baths and sewers China Yellow and Yangtze Rivers Middle Kingdom- “Center of the Earth” Dynasty- Ruling families Migration Bantu Migration- movement of people across Africa

6 Classical Civilizations
China (1027 B.C. - A.D. 220) Mandate of Heaven- divine right to rule Dynastic Cycle Dynasties lose their mandate and are replaced Contributions Astronomy Silk The Great Wall of China Civil Service Examinations

7 Classical Civilizations
Greece (1750 B.C B.C.) Mountains and islands gave rise to city-states Polis is city and surrounding area (Government) Philosophers (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) Sparta / Athens Military state / Education and Democracy Alexander the Great Hellenistic Culture (Blend of Indian, Persian, Greek, and Egyptian) Achievements in Philosophy, Literature, Art, Architecture, Science and Mathematics

8 Classical Civilizations
Rome (509 B.C. – A.D. 476) Located on a peninsula in the Mediterranean Republic form of government (Senate) Roman Empire conquered much of the Mediterranean region Contributions: System of Law (Twelve Tables) Arch Dome Aqueducts

9 Classical Civilizations
India (1500 B.C. – 185 B.C.) Mauryan Empire Organized government bureaucracy Asoka- Religious toleration Trade Routes Mediterranean trade expanded India traded goods with Rome Silk Road- trade from China to Rome Pax Romana (Roman Peace- trade)

10 Rise and Fall of Empires
Han Empire Strong government and profitable trade Civil Service System Development of Silk Road Fell due to economic, political, and military problems

11 Rise and Fall of Empires
Roman Empire Strong military power Strong Emperors stabilized government Economic expansion and trade Fell due to outside and internal problems

12 Belief Systems Animism (Africa) Belief spirits are found in nature
Every living and nonliving thing has a spirit Similar to Shinto (Shintoism) from Japan

13 Belief Systems Hinduism (India) Buddhism (India and China)
Brahman is the universal spirit Reincarnation is rebirth of the soul Karma and Dharma are duties in life Caste System places people in society Buddhism (India and China) Founded by Buddha Four Noble Truths is overcoming desires Eightfold Path involves Nirvana (salvation) Like Hinduism: Reincarnation, karma, & dharma

14 Belief Systems Confucianism (China) Taoism (China)
Based on teachings of Confucius Relationships between superior and inferior Duties in life depend on relationship Taoism (China) Sought harmony with nature Balance between the yin and yang

15 Belief Systems Judaism (Middle East)
Monotheistic religion founded by Abraham Hebrews believe they are God’s chosen people Ten Commandments provided moral laws Strong influence on Christianity and Islam

16 Belief Systems Christianity (Middle East)
Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah (savior) Jesus was seen as a threat and was crucified Teachings are similar to Judaism (Ten Com.) Christians believe salvation comes through following Jesus’ teachings

17 Belief Systems Islam (Middle East) Founded by Muhammad in 622
Hijra was Muhammad’s journey to Mecca Muslims are followers of Islam (Monotheistic) Five Pillars of Islam Faith in one God, daily prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca Sharia: Islamic laws guiding aspects of life

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