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Driving Theory Session 3 cut and paste answers

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1 Driving Theory Session 3 cut and paste answers
Safety Margins

2 1 Freezing conditions will affect the distance it takes you to come to a stop. You should expect stopping distances to increase by up to D) ten times

3 2 In very hot weather the road surface can get soft. Which TWO of the following will be affected most?  B) The grip of the tyres  C) The braking

4 Where are you most likely to be affected by a sidewind?
3 Where are you most likely to be affected by a sidewind? B) On an open stretch of road

5 4 When approaching a right-hand bend you should keep well to the left. Why is this?  A) To improve your view of the road

6 5 You are driving a vehicle fitted with anti-lock brakes. You need to stop in an emergency. You should apply the footbrake  D) rapidly and firmly

7 6 Anti-lock brakes reduce the chances of a skid occurring particularly when C) braking in an emergency

8 7 Your vehicle has anti-lock brakes, but they may not always prevent skidding. This is most likely to happen when driving  B) on surface water  C) on loose road surfaces

9 8 Anti-lock brakes prevent wheels from locking. This means the tyres are less likely to  B) skid

10 Anti-lock brakes are most effective when you
9 Anti-lock brakes are most effective when you  C) brake rapidly and firmly until you have slowed down

11 Vehicles fitted with anti-lock brakes
10 Vehicles fitted with anti-lock brakes  B) can be steered while you are braking

12 Anti-lock brakes may not work as effectively if the road surface is
11 Anti-lock brakes may not work as effectively if the road surface is  B) loose  C) wet

13 Anti-lock brakes are of most use when you are
12 Anti-lock brakes are of most use when you are  C) braking excessively

14 When driving in fog, which of the following are correct?
13 When driving in fog, which of the following are correct?  A) Use dipped headlights  C) Allow more time for your journey  E) Slow down

15 A) a two-second time gap
14 You are on a fast, open road in good conditions. For safety, the distance between you and the vehicle in front should be  A) a two-second time gap

16 What is the most common cause of skidding?
15 What is the most common cause of skidding?  B) Driver error

17 16 You are driving in heavy rain. Your steering suddenly becomes very light. You should  D) ease off the accelerator

18 You are driving on an icy road. How can you avoid wheelspin
17 You are driving on an icy road. How can you avoid wheelspin  A) Drive at a slow speed in as high a gear as possible

19 You are trying to move off on snow. You should use
18 You are trying to move off on snow. You should use  B) the highest gear you can

20 When driving in falling snow you should
19 When driving in falling snow you should  D) brake gently in plenty of time

21 C) reduces the driver’s control
20 Coasting the vehicle  C) reduces the driver’s control

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